Sunday, October 31, 2004

Time to move on to Iran

It is time to get things shaped up in Iraq and move on to Iran. The Iranian Parliament voted to proceed with uranium enrichment, and chanted "Death to America" as they voted. Call me crazy, but a nation working toward nuclear weapons, sponsoring and harboring terrorists, and with a government that sits around and chants "Death to America" all day long while taking votes etc. is begging to be attacked.

The same threat Saddam posed applies here. If left to their own devices, they will eventually come up with weapons that will spell very bad news for us. In other words, if you wait too long they become North Korea (meaning they gain nuclear weapons). It is high time we shitcan the insurgents in Falujah get the elections done, and tell the Iranian mullahs to run for their f*cking lives as we position our military for invasion. We tell the neighbors of the region that if they do not close borders with Iran and Iraq we will bomb the piss out of them. No invasion (yet), just bombs. I believe the Iranian population would be happy to be rid of the hardline government, even if at the hands of Americans (the same cannot be said for many nations in the region).

Kerry has nothing

"A litany of complaints is not a plan." John Kerry and his douche-mate John Edwards have nothing but ridiculous, say-anything promises. Their spending/tax promises are not good for jobs. You don't create jobs by taxing small businesses and the investor class.

They've offered up hindsight as a kind of retroactive foresight. In 2001 Kerry praised the use of Afghans rather than US soldiers in fighting al Qaeda and the Taliban, and said that was the best way to do it. Now he says we "outsourced" the job of fighting them and as a result bin Laden got away in Tora Bora. In fact, as Gen. Tommy Franks has stated, Kerry is not only contradicting his position at the time, but telling lies about what happened to boot. We don't know that bin Laden was in Tora Bora, but we do know that US special forces were there.

In 2 days I will go cast my vote for Bush/Cheney. I hope a majority of voting Americans will do the same. Is America doomed if we don't re-elect Bush? I don't think so. But we will be worse off.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

bin Laden is not in a cave

OBL is not hiding out in a cave somewhere. He needs treatment for his kidney ailment, and on the most recent video he looked fairly healthy. Beyond that, his garments were nice and white, so if he were in a cave it is one equipped with a good washing machine. My guess is he is either in Pakistan, and the Pakistani government doesn't know where, or he's in Iran and the Iranian government is fully aware and is giving him sanctuary.

Many are saying this recent video could help Bush by refocusing attention on OBL and the war on terrorism. I have a hard time seeing this as only complete idiots (we call them Democrats in this country) would have forgotten the terror threat, and complete idiots vote Democrat.

Then you have terrorist sympathizers like James Zogby who think bin Laden actually wants Bush reelected and that's why he released the video. Zogby is an idiot. If OBL wants these leaders who fight terrorism re-elected then I guess attacking Spain right before the elections, causing a change of government, was a huge blunder. But if keeping those who want to find them and kill them in power was al Qaeda's goal why did try the same tactic that caused a government change in Spain on Australia as well? They attacked the Aussie embassy in Indonesia right before the election, but the Aussies were made of stronger stuff than the Spanish. Beyond that, I'm sure bin Laden is thrilled to have lost his terrorist training bases, three quarters of his leadership, and thousands of his men. What a great victory, James Zogby! At least he still has idiots like you! Most of those joining al Qaeda because of Iraq are terrorist sympathizers (like Zogby) anyway and better we kill them now, in Iraq than have them infiltrate America (like Zogby). OBL wants Bush defeated because having terrorism seen by the US government as a law enforcement problem was working quite well for him. Kerry views it that way, and would like to go back to treating it as a mere nuisance. How, James Zogby, does this not work better for bin Laden?

If he's in Iran, terrorism as a law enforcement problem will never deal with him. Terrorism as a military problem is the only effective way to address these state sponsors, and the Iranian hardliners are begging to get the boot. There is a fairly moderate elected government in place already, we just need to get rid of the hardliners who pull the strings. If he's in Pakistan I think it is still just a matter of time before we get him.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Believing Kerry is like believing Saddam

It seems foolish to me to give Saddam the benefit of the doubt on anything, but many don't seem to feel that way. The anti-war crowd seems to scoff at the idea of a few tons of WMDs being moved out of Iraq by Saddam without the world knowing about it. However, it seems easy to believe that 380 tons of explosives were looted right out from under American noses (Kerry seems to believe Bush should have been guarding them with a shotgun himself). This while the roads outside of the compound housing the explosives were bursting with American military convoys.

Somehow truck after truck after truck came in, loaded up with a few tons of explosives, and rolled out, presumably passing convoys of American military vehicles along the way. The other possibility, of course, is that the explosives were gone by the time the US forces got there. US forces have reported not finding the weapons when they got there, and 400,000 tons of explosives have been found in Iraq. But John Kerry and his surrogates, namely the NYT and CBS, seem to prefer believing the unbelievable.

Kerry no terrorism warrior

The Washington Times has an article regarding the desire of terrorists (particularly those in Iraq) to get Bush defeated and Kerry elected. There is little reason to doubt that terrorists prefer Kerry over Bush, and the reason is quite clear. Just as Republicans believe Kerry would be far weaker in fighting terrorism, so do the terrorists.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

The opposition

Trash would be a compliment that this pile of refuse is unworthy of. Charlie Brooker shows the kind of lunacy a reasonable conservative is faced with. He's one of the idiots that claim Bush may have been wired in the first debate (in which he was tired from being up early and touring hurricane damage, while his opponent was getting a manicure, and performed poorly by most estimates), and evidently not wired in the second and third in which he performed better (and beat John Kerry, IMHO). He believes Bush must be stupid because he didn't do well in that debate. Making fun of Bush for having a bad debate is a game for the drooling liberal masses, and I'll leave it at that. This tripe concludes with a desire to have Bush assassinated:

John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr - where are you now that we need you?

Liberal compassion at work.

Last night on MSNBC's Scarborough Country liberal asshat Lawrence O'Donnell refused to let the other guest speak and continued repeating "liar" (and other equally clever epithets) over and over. Pat Buchanan, the host, tried to get him to stop and allow the other guest to speak, but O'Donnell wasn't interested in civil discourse. That's liberals' idea of intelligent conversation.

During a speech in AZ, two liberal hoodlums (is that a redundancy?) rushed Ann Coulter and threw pies at her. One grazed her shoulder, but that's it. She made fun of them for throwing like girls. Liberal respect and tolerance in action.

The news has been replete with stories of local Republican headquarters being robbed, vandalized, and even shot up. This is all just liberals being liberals.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Flu shots

Should a heart patient age 63 be concerned about getting a flu shot? According to Kerry/Edwards, no. Not only that but somehow he should be ashamed. They have criticized Dick Cheney for getting a flu shot.

I'm waiting for equal criticism of Bill Clinton for getting a flu shot. Something tells me I'll be waiting a long time as Kerry and Edwards are hypocrites.

They criticize Bush for not making sure there was enough flu vaccine. There actually was to be plenty of vaccine, but contamination concerns in Britain cut supply in America in half. I guess Bush should have controlled that. My question is what have Senators Kerry and Edwards done this year in the Senate to ensure enough vaccine (the answer, of course, is nothing).

Of course this is all just more shamelessness from Kedwards. Nothing they say surprises me anymore. I'm waiting for them to blame Bush for the crucifixion of Jesus. I bet they would if they thought it would gain them a vote or two.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Kerry would make a good France!

Conservative circles are a little abuzz from this comment from John Kerry:

Kerry's belief in working with allies runs so deep that he has maintained that the loss of American life can be better justified if it occurs in the course of a mission with international support. In 1994, discussing the possibility of U.S. troops being killed in Bosnia, he said, "If you mean dying in the course of the United Nations effort, yes, it is worth that. If you mean dying American troops unilaterally going in with some false presumption that we can affect the outcome, the answer is unequivocally no."

From the Washington Post. Dying for your country is bad, but dying for the UN is okay. That point of view may be okay for an idiot in the Senate, but not the POTUS. No wonder a majority of troops support Bush. No doubt they prefer to die for their country, not a gaggle of corrupt, Jew-hating cowards.

Kerry losing support from blacks?

His wife is from South Africa, maybe he should start telling people he's married to an African-American. If the trend is real and were to continue, the Democrats will be in trouble. It would be a real shame (for the Democrats) if we got to a point where blacks were free of their servitude to the Democratic party.

I've seen "experts" talking about how much trouble Republicans are in as minority population growth outstrips that of whites, but Republicans being in trouble would depend on Democrats retaining a solid grip on blacks (which requires Democrats to keep education in the crapper). And Hispanics, the largest minority in America, vote more equally than blacks. If minorities find themselves voting less according to race and more according to beliefs, if real education reforms pass, and minorities gain ground the Democrats will lose ground. Perhaps they are the ones who should worry.

Congrats to Kerry

I forgot to congratulate Senator Kerry on the Yasser Arafat endorsement. This just as he also garnered the Mahathir Mohamad endorsement. These ringing endorsements should help make up for Kerry narrowly losing the Moammar Gadhafi human rights prize to Hugo Chavez. I'm glad the terrorists have a candidate they can support in this race.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Homosexuality biology or choice?

Asked this question, Bush responded how most heterosexuals probably should respond by saying he didn't know. Kerry responded by saying, "I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was. She's being who she was born as. I think if you talk to anybody, it's not a choice." Really? So he talked to Mary Cheney about this?

Richard Cohen of the Washington Post believes that Bush should have been questioned or taken to task over his "ignorant" response. How ignorant, indeed, for a heterosexual man to say "I don't know" when asked questions about being gay. How does it feel to be pregnant, Mr. President? Haven't you been around pregnant women? What an ignorant fool if you don't know! I guess that Richard Cohen believes he is an expert on human sexuality. Personally, I think it is ignorant to believe no gays have ever chosen to be that way.

I keep seeing Democrats saying that Kerry did nothing wrong because Cheney himself brought his daughter up on the campaign trail. However, from the clip I've seen, Dick Cheney was responding to a question about his own personal views on gay issues, and it would be hard to explain where he's coming from on gay issues without explaining his daughter. Quite different than the way Kerry brought up Mary Cheney to drive home his point in a debate against President Bush. When John Edwards brought up Mary in his debate against Cheney, perhaps the Cheneys would have preferred he didn't, but he at least was using it to show why you have to respect the Cheneys. Kerry was being disrespectful in using Mary to try and score debate points, and for speaking for Mary Cheney without having talked to her about her views.

Monday, October 18, 2004

An interesting quote

''I consider the activities of terrorists in Iraq are not as much aimed at coalition forces but more personally against President Bush... International terrorism has as its goal to prevent the election of President Bush to a second term. If they achieve that goal, then that will give international terrorism a new impulse and extra power.''

Republican spinster? No. Vladimir Putin. Kerry has pretty much stated he won't fight an aggressive war on terrorists. It is absurd to believe the terrorists haven't noticed. Vote Bush.

Scary Kerry

When the going gets tough, lie your ass off. Kerry is trying to convince retired people in Florida that Bush will cut their Social Security with his privatization plans. The problem is, even if the president pushes his privatization plan it would only privatize for those who chose to do so, and not effect those receiving SS today (nevermind the fact that SS does need reform).

Kerry continues to imply that the draft may be brought back if Bush is re-elected, but in congress, only Democrats have suggested bringing the draft back.

This shows desperation, and is the result of a fraudulent campaign. Early on, Kerry ran on his Vietnam record, which was, according to nearly all of the vets who served with him, largely fake. It is good to know that Kerry learned opportunism at an early age. Now, as I've detailed before, Kerry is making lavish promises that he can't possibly keep. He cannot increase spending on the myriad programs he promises, cut the deficit in half, give a middle class tax cut and pay for it all by only raising taxes on the rich. It doesn't add up. John Edwards has promised that if he and Kerry are elected they'll cure the sick.

His foreign policy plans are no better. He calls Iraq a grand diversion and a wrong war, but expects he can get more nations to shed blood there. He calls the allies that actually helped us in Iraq "bribed and coerced" while kissing the ass of nations that gave us the finger when we asked for help. He believes we only need to get bin Laden and then the war is over. He wishes to treat terrorism as a law enforcement, but that fails to address states that sponsor terrorism. Treating terrorism as a law enforcement matter and a nuisance was policy leading to 9/11.

I'm not sure if the people of Florida are smart enough to see through John Kerry, but we'll find out very soon.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Bringin' back the draft

I'm tired of the limp-dick weakness (almost Democrat levels of limpness and weakness) the Republicans are showing when Democrats bring up the draft. The Dems bring it up and Republicans run for the hills screaming "No draft, I swear! I promise, I promise, I promise!" all the way. If I were a Bush spokesperson (or the Prez himself) I would say, "You know, the draft could be an issue in this campaign. Bills have been brought up in both the House and the Senate to institute the draft. And in both cases, the bills were brought up by Democrats. Electing John Kerry, and voting for Democrats for national office could lead to the draft." Change the wording any way you want, but that's the gist.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Keep your sympathy for yourselves, losers

The myth that Bush squandered world sympathy after the 9/11 attack is absurd. The world was prepared to be sympathetic toward an unjustly victimized and frightened America, but never an angry America out for justice. If Clinton, Gore, or Kerry had been President and set out to fight an effective war on terrorism the response from the world, and Europe in particular, would have been the same. They are a bunch of self-important, carping wimps. They don't care about what happens to America unless it hurts them as well, and even then their hatred for America wins over their own self-interest.

I'm not as interested in America getting sympathy from allies as I am in America being feared by enemies. I'm not as interested in being popular in Europe as I am in protecting my family and country from murdering scum. I get this exact same sense from Bush and his supporters. I do not get this same sense from Kerry and his supporters. Next to this gaping discrepancy, most other issues aren't of much consequence.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Debate 3 notes:

Kerry looked like a cadaver.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Campaign promises?

It seems the Kerry campaign is making more bold promises. Is there anything these asshats won't say to get elected? This from

Edwards: 'We will stop juvenile diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other debilitating diseases... When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.' Edwards made the unprecedented campaign promises during 30-minute speech at Newton High School gym in Newton, Iowa...


Monday, October 11, 2004

One instance where I'm happy to pay taxes

Several times I've heard Democrats saying the rich should be paying for the war in Iraq. Lanny Davis repeated this line on Hannity and Colmes while arguing for tax increases on the rich. Let me just say I'm happy to help pay taxes to support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and wouldn't have it any other way. I feel that most tax money is wasted, but national defense is one of those places I'm happy to help shoulder the burden. I want to be able to say I've done my share to help pay for the war on terrorism.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Chavez the humanitarian

I would like to take a moment to personally congratulate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on winning the annual Moammar Gadhafi human rights prize!!! After you stop laughing and pick yourself up off of the floor, click here to see that this is an actual story from No doubt Democrats are pleased at the selection of Chavez for this prestigious award. Past winners include, among others, Democrat darling Fidel Castro.

Hugo Chavez is hoping to complete a sweep by receiving the annual Kim Jong-Il Freedom and Democracy award and the Academy Award for best documentary.

I hear they wanted to give the Gadhafi award to Saddam Hussein, but Saddam was not available to accept as he is incarcerated and being put on trial by his own people for torturing and murdering them en masse.

The French and the Democrats, feeling sorry for Saddam for being unable to accept the award, are working feverishly to see to it that good men like Saddam are never deposed in the future.

Something about the economy and stupid...?

You don't have to be a genius to hash out Kerry's grand vision for the economy. This information is easy to find and most or all can be seen in the debates between candidates and running mates. I'm not making value judgments on the programs he wants to spend money on:

  • Tax cuts for the middle class. Kerry promised it directly to the camera.
  • Increased Medicaid spending to completely cover millions.
  • Double the money spent on AIDS. Edwards made this promise in the VP debate.
  • Increase education spending. It has gone up 50% under Bush, and he has funded No Child Left Behind, but Kerry keeps claiming No Child isn't being funded.
  • Increase money spent on embryonic stem cell research. Kerry has claimed there is a ban on funding. In fact, Bush is the first president to actually provide funding for embryonic stem cell research, and private funding is unchanged.
  • Increase Homeland Security spending.
  • Cut the deficit by 50% in four years.

Unless Kerry has lied in the debates or on his web site, these are the facts on just some of Kerry's spending plans. His web site also makes vague promises of investing in high-tech jobs and alternate fuels to increase energy independence.

How will he pay for all of this? Evidently it will be by rolling back tax cuts for the wealthy to their Clinton levels. What an amazing financial cure-all. Hard to see how Kerry can keep all of his promises. I see rising taxes or rising deficits. Probably both.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Howard in for another term

Australian Prime Minister John Howard has won a 4th term at the polls. Good news for America, bad news for terrorists. Now if we can get Bush re-elected it will be the same. Good news for America, bad news for terrorists.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Presidential debate number 2 notes

Bush came to play. That is, of course, the first thing you notice over the last debate. Bush was largely on his game, but the debate was very combative on both sides.

Going forward, the good news for Bush is that it is fairly clear that Kerry is vulnerable on several fronts in the upcoming domestic issues debate. Kerry didn't steamroll Bush on domestic issues as some led us to believe. Bill Kristol mentioned on Fox News that Bush did a good job in the last debate of lowering expectations for tonight. That was funny, and true.

The last question of the debate was horrible. What 3 mistakes have you made? That's a loaded piece of crap, and shouldn't have made it in the debate. Imagine this question for Kerry: "Tell us 3 of your flip-flops, Sen. Kerry, and where you have finally landed on the issue." Would have been inappropriate and absurd, as was the question for Mr. Bush. Bush was exactly right that the lady wanted him to admit Iraq was a mistake. I would stop short of saying it shows clear bias from whomever chose the questions, but it surely shows bad judgment.

Kerry could be a victim of his hyped success in the first debate. After the first debate, the consensus was that Kerry better presented his debate points, and therefore won the debate. Weak if your points weren't actually better on their own merit, as we saw tonight.

"You can run, but you can't hide..." funny stuff.

Republicans should feel buoyed by the President's performance tonight. He can hang with Kerry on domestic issues.

Maybe we should take away their right to vote...

Feminist Gloria Steinem and two dozen other women's rights activists signed an open letter on Thursday urging women not to support Nader.

"This election is about ending the reign of George Bush who is intent on dismantling and destroying all that we have worked for years to achieve," the letter says.


Eh? Wouldn't Bush's agenda to cut back rights for women get in the way of his agenda to deliberately destroy the environment? Does he really have time to fight against equality for women, plant arsenic in the drinking water, sell the world to Halliburton, reinstate the draft, disenfranchise blacks, take away Social Security and Medicare for seniors, and eat your grandchildren all at once? Judging by how little progress he's made, I think President Bush will at least need that second term to completely destroy the world.

Really, anyone who thinks Bush has some agenda to roll back all of the progress on social equality issues (look at the Administration's diversity for crying out loud) is just about stupid enough to not deserve a vote in such an important election.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Debate notes

After the Kerry campaign played up the idea that Bush was trying to minimize his expectations in the debate, Kerry came in and won the lower expectations game. The popular view was that the Bush team scored a victory in getting the first debate to be about foreign policy, and that this was Bush's strong point and Kerry's weak point. By the time Kerry thanked Jim Lehrer for hosting the debate he won, and it was all thanks to Republicans. The Kerry campaign didn't even have to work this.

President Bush delivered a knockout punch on Kerry's Iraq plans that few or no one seems to be mentioning. Kerry's big plan for Iraq is the bring in other nations. Period. That's it, folks. Bush questioned how Kerry would accomplish this when he'd be saying to these other nations, "Please join us for this grand diversion. Join us in the wrong war, in the wrong place, at the wrong time." BAM! Kerry's Iraq policy just hit the floor after being knocked out. I don't just blame the media for not bringing up this point, but the President's supporters as well.

Bush didn't attack Kerry on specifics as much as I'd have liked, and in my view it made Bush seem less confident and knowledgeable than I know him to be (as he was in the O'Reilly interview for example).

Kerry had a breadth of insight on the issues, but all this means to me is that he was broadly wrong.

Kerry kept his cool and by most accounts presented himself better than President Bush. I would agree. Had Bush come out as he did in O'Reilly's interview he'd have put this baby to bed. He didn't hammer Kerry enough on the 87 billion dollars. He didn't hammer Kerry on the Patriot Act. He missed out on too many opportunities.