Sunday, October 10, 2004

Something about the economy and stupid...?

You don't have to be a genius to hash out Kerry's grand vision for the economy. This information is easy to find and most or all can be seen in the debates between candidates and running mates. I'm not making value judgments on the programs he wants to spend money on:

  • Tax cuts for the middle class. Kerry promised it directly to the camera.
  • Increased Medicaid spending to completely cover millions.
  • Double the money spent on AIDS. Edwards made this promise in the VP debate.
  • Increase education spending. It has gone up 50% under Bush, and he has funded No Child Left Behind, but Kerry keeps claiming No Child isn't being funded.
  • Increase money spent on embryonic stem cell research. Kerry has claimed there is a ban on funding. In fact, Bush is the first president to actually provide funding for embryonic stem cell research, and private funding is unchanged.
  • Increase Homeland Security spending.
  • Cut the deficit by 50% in four years.

Unless Kerry has lied in the debates or on his web site, these are the facts on just some of Kerry's spending plans. His web site also makes vague promises of investing in high-tech jobs and alternate fuels to increase energy independence.

How will he pay for all of this? Evidently it will be by rolling back tax cuts for the wealthy to their Clinton levels. What an amazing financial cure-all. Hard to see how Kerry can keep all of his promises. I see rising taxes or rising deficits. Probably both.


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