Saturday, October 30, 2004

bin Laden is not in a cave

OBL is not hiding out in a cave somewhere. He needs treatment for his kidney ailment, and on the most recent video he looked fairly healthy. Beyond that, his garments were nice and white, so if he were in a cave it is one equipped with a good washing machine. My guess is he is either in Pakistan, and the Pakistani government doesn't know where, or he's in Iran and the Iranian government is fully aware and is giving him sanctuary.

Many are saying this recent video could help Bush by refocusing attention on OBL and the war on terrorism. I have a hard time seeing this as only complete idiots (we call them Democrats in this country) would have forgotten the terror threat, and complete idiots vote Democrat.

Then you have terrorist sympathizers like James Zogby who think bin Laden actually wants Bush reelected and that's why he released the video. Zogby is an idiot. If OBL wants these leaders who fight terrorism re-elected then I guess attacking Spain right before the elections, causing a change of government, was a huge blunder. But if keeping those who want to find them and kill them in power was al Qaeda's goal why did try the same tactic that caused a government change in Spain on Australia as well? They attacked the Aussie embassy in Indonesia right before the election, but the Aussies were made of stronger stuff than the Spanish. Beyond that, I'm sure bin Laden is thrilled to have lost his terrorist training bases, three quarters of his leadership, and thousands of his men. What a great victory, James Zogby! At least he still has idiots like you! Most of those joining al Qaeda because of Iraq are terrorist sympathizers (like Zogby) anyway and better we kill them now, in Iraq than have them infiltrate America (like Zogby). OBL wants Bush defeated because having terrorism seen by the US government as a law enforcement problem was working quite well for him. Kerry views it that way, and would like to go back to treating it as a mere nuisance. How, James Zogby, does this not work better for bin Laden?

If he's in Iran, terrorism as a law enforcement problem will never deal with him. Terrorism as a military problem is the only effective way to address these state sponsors, and the Iranian hardliners are begging to get the boot. There is a fairly moderate elected government in place already, we just need to get rid of the hardliners who pull the strings. If he's in Pakistan I think it is still just a matter of time before we get him.


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