Sunday, October 10, 2004

Chavez the humanitarian

I would like to take a moment to personally congratulate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on winning the annual Moammar Gadhafi human rights prize!!! After you stop laughing and pick yourself up off of the floor, click here to see that this is an actual story from No doubt Democrats are pleased at the selection of Chavez for this prestigious award. Past winners include, among others, Democrat darling Fidel Castro.

Hugo Chavez is hoping to complete a sweep by receiving the annual Kim Jong-Il Freedom and Democracy award and the Academy Award for best documentary.

I hear they wanted to give the Gadhafi award to Saddam Hussein, but Saddam was not available to accept as he is incarcerated and being put on trial by his own people for torturing and murdering them en masse.

The French and the Democrats, feeling sorry for Saddam for being unable to accept the award, are working feverishly to see to it that good men like Saddam are never deposed in the future.


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