Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Believing Kerry is like believing Saddam

It seems foolish to me to give Saddam the benefit of the doubt on anything, but many don't seem to feel that way. The anti-war crowd seems to scoff at the idea of a few tons of WMDs being moved out of Iraq by Saddam without the world knowing about it. However, it seems easy to believe that 380 tons of explosives were looted right out from under American noses (Kerry seems to believe Bush should have been guarding them with a shotgun himself). This while the roads outside of the compound housing the explosives were bursting with American military convoys.

Somehow truck after truck after truck came in, loaded up with a few tons of explosives, and rolled out, presumably passing convoys of American military vehicles along the way. The other possibility, of course, is that the explosives were gone by the time the US forces got there. US forces have reported not finding the weapons when they got there, and 400,000 tons of explosives have been found in Iraq. But John Kerry and his surrogates, namely the NYT and CBS, seem to prefer believing the unbelievable.


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