Thursday, October 21, 2004

Flu shots

Should a heart patient age 63 be concerned about getting a flu shot? According to Kerry/Edwards, no. Not only that but somehow he should be ashamed. They have criticized Dick Cheney for getting a flu shot.

I'm waiting for equal criticism of Bill Clinton for getting a flu shot. Something tells me I'll be waiting a long time as Kerry and Edwards are hypocrites.

They criticize Bush for not making sure there was enough flu vaccine. There actually was to be plenty of vaccine, but contamination concerns in Britain cut supply in America in half. I guess Bush should have controlled that. My question is what have Senators Kerry and Edwards done this year in the Senate to ensure enough vaccine (the answer, of course, is nothing).

Of course this is all just more shamelessness from Kedwards. Nothing they say surprises me anymore. I'm waiting for them to blame Bush for the crucifixion of Jesus. I bet they would if they thought it would gain them a vote or two.


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