Saturday, October 23, 2004

The opposition

Trash would be a compliment that this pile of refuse is unworthy of. Charlie Brooker shows the kind of lunacy a reasonable conservative is faced with. He's one of the idiots that claim Bush may have been wired in the first debate (in which he was tired from being up early and touring hurricane damage, while his opponent was getting a manicure, and performed poorly by most estimates), and evidently not wired in the second and third in which he performed better (and beat John Kerry, IMHO). He believes Bush must be stupid because he didn't do well in that debate. Making fun of Bush for having a bad debate is a game for the drooling liberal masses, and I'll leave it at that. This tripe concludes with a desire to have Bush assassinated:

John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr - where are you now that we need you?

Liberal compassion at work.

Last night on MSNBC's Scarborough Country liberal asshat Lawrence O'Donnell refused to let the other guest speak and continued repeating "liar" (and other equally clever epithets) over and over. Pat Buchanan, the host, tried to get him to stop and allow the other guest to speak, but O'Donnell wasn't interested in civil discourse. That's liberals' idea of intelligent conversation.

During a speech in AZ, two liberal hoodlums (is that a redundancy?) rushed Ann Coulter and threw pies at her. One grazed her shoulder, but that's it. She made fun of them for throwing like girls. Liberal respect and tolerance in action.

The news has been replete with stories of local Republican headquarters being robbed, vandalized, and even shot up. This is all just liberals being liberals.


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