Sunday, October 31, 2004

Kerry has nothing

"A litany of complaints is not a plan." John Kerry and his douche-mate John Edwards have nothing but ridiculous, say-anything promises. Their spending/tax promises are not good for jobs. You don't create jobs by taxing small businesses and the investor class.

They've offered up hindsight as a kind of retroactive foresight. In 2001 Kerry praised the use of Afghans rather than US soldiers in fighting al Qaeda and the Taliban, and said that was the best way to do it. Now he says we "outsourced" the job of fighting them and as a result bin Laden got away in Tora Bora. In fact, as Gen. Tommy Franks has stated, Kerry is not only contradicting his position at the time, but telling lies about what happened to boot. We don't know that bin Laden was in Tora Bora, but we do know that US special forces were there.

In 2 days I will go cast my vote for Bush/Cheney. I hope a majority of voting Americans will do the same. Is America doomed if we don't re-elect Bush? I don't think so. But we will be worse off.


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