Monday, October 18, 2004

Scary Kerry

When the going gets tough, lie your ass off. Kerry is trying to convince retired people in Florida that Bush will cut their Social Security with his privatization plans. The problem is, even if the president pushes his privatization plan it would only privatize for those who chose to do so, and not effect those receiving SS today (nevermind the fact that SS does need reform).

Kerry continues to imply that the draft may be brought back if Bush is re-elected, but in congress, only Democrats have suggested bringing the draft back.

This shows desperation, and is the result of a fraudulent campaign. Early on, Kerry ran on his Vietnam record, which was, according to nearly all of the vets who served with him, largely fake. It is good to know that Kerry learned opportunism at an early age. Now, as I've detailed before, Kerry is making lavish promises that he can't possibly keep. He cannot increase spending on the myriad programs he promises, cut the deficit in half, give a middle class tax cut and pay for it all by only raising taxes on the rich. It doesn't add up. John Edwards has promised that if he and Kerry are elected they'll cure the sick.

His foreign policy plans are no better. He calls Iraq a grand diversion and a wrong war, but expects he can get more nations to shed blood there. He calls the allies that actually helped us in Iraq "bribed and coerced" while kissing the ass of nations that gave us the finger when we asked for help. He believes we only need to get bin Laden and then the war is over. He wishes to treat terrorism as a law enforcement, but that fails to address states that sponsor terrorism. Treating terrorism as a law enforcement matter and a nuisance was policy leading to 9/11.

I'm not sure if the people of Florida are smart enough to see through John Kerry, but we'll find out very soon.


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