Wednesday, September 08, 2004

More media bias

According to Drudge Report the big media (read the left-wing media who have been trying their best to get Kerry elected) are going to go back to the Bush National Guard story. Funny when you have Kerry saying he should be President because he was in Vietnam, those who have something negative to say about Kerry's service can't get the media to pay any real attention to them other than to drag them through the mud and try to present their claims as baseless (they aren't, Kerry fudged his service). But then when it comes to Bush, who can be fairly judged by his performance as President (for good or bad), the media actively seeks out the critics. If you don't believe there is a left-wing bias in the majority of major media you are nuts. But fine, let's look at Bush's Air National Guard service (again). Evidently the media thinks it has some bearing on his performance in a second term as President. And let's examine Kerry's Vietnam service as well since Kerry seems to think it is the only thing that bears on his potential Presidency (it certainly isn't the last 20 years in the Senate, that would be absurd).


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