Thursday, September 02, 2004

Why is Bush hated?

A consequential presidency is always "polarizing." So sayeth the Wall Street Journal. This is why there are protesters at the RNC. This is why when it comes to President Bush you tend to love him or you hate him. This is why idiot protesters (to call them idiots is to underestimate their stupidity) try to storm the RNC and make trouble. I'd almost pay money to debate these types in a civil setting, but I'm not sure they could handle a civil setting, much less a logical debate.

"Bush lied" is simple to believe if you are a simple person. There are no shortages of such people. To some, the mass graves, torture chambers, and rape rooms don't justify the war in Iraq. But as for WMD, the only way you can negate that justification is if Saddam had forsworn any desire for WMDs now, 5 years from now when the French, Germans, Russians, and Chinese (and the fools who stand with them over Iraq) had convinced the UN to lift sanctions, and 20 years from now when his sons were in charge. If Saddam maintained a desire for WMDs, whether he had them or not, he had to be removed. This is what John McCain was saying when he spoke about the choice not being between war or peace, but war or something worse. Most people don't get it. They don't get it because they are ignorant and believe whatever stupid conspiracy theory the likes of Michael Moore spit out.

Apparently liberals don't like to be called liberal. They prefer progressive. Well guess what, spreading Democracy to Iraq is progressive. Bush is hated and the nation is divided because the presidency of George W. Bush is consequential. It is consequential, and made moreso by the fact that the last administration wasn't consequential, but should have been and needed to be.


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