Saturday, August 28, 2004

Terrorism = bad...can we agree on this now?

France, a rogue nation that supports terrorism, recently passed a law banning religious symbols in schools. Two French journalists face possible death at the hands of Muslim scumbags demanding that France allow headscarves in schools again. If the French would put their childish and irrational dislike of America on hold and put some effort into fighting terrorism the world would be a better place. But then they wouldn't be French if they did. Surrender, you cheesy bastards!

While we're on the subject, let's define our war on terror as a war on Islamic terrorism, shall we? I'm not terribly worried about what the IRA is doing these days, but I am worried about how Islam is being taught. All nations teaching Wahhabism should be called on to cease the hateful indoctrination, and made to pay a real price if they don't.


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