Friday, September 03, 2004

More lies and cries from Kerry

Perhaps instead of Kerry, his name should be Kerrigan. Then he could hug himself and cry, "Why me?" Of course, the difference is that Nancy Kerrigan was actually crying about something done to her. Kerry is creating lies and then crying about them. So the nasty Republicans said Kerry is unfit to be commander-in-chief. Where? Where did Zell Miller say that in so many words? Where did Dick Cheney say that in so many words? They questioned whether you'd be a good commander-in-chief, but not whether he was fit to be. Perhaps the distinction is lost on Kerry, but more likely he just wants to whine like a little bitch.

1. No one on the Bush team ever questioned Kerry's patriotism, despite his many claims. He's a liar. But Kerry's silly wife has questioned that of Kerry's opponents. As did Wes Clark.

2. No one on the Bush team called Kerry unfit to be commander-in-chief, despite his claims. He is a liar. Kerry has said that Bush is unfit to be commander-in-chief.

3. Kerry claims that Bush misled the nation about Saddam Hussein's WMD programs. Well...

"Iraq has some lethal and incapacitating agents and is capable of quickly producing weaponizing of a variety of such agents, including anthrax, for delivery on a range of vehicles, such as bombs, missiles, aerial sprayers and covert operatives which would bring them to the United States itself.

In addition, we know they are developing unmanned aerial vehicles capable of delivering chemical and biological warfare agents.

According to the CIA’s report, all U.S. intelligence experts agree that they are seeking nuclear weapons. There is little question that Saddam Hussein wants to develop them.

In the wake of September 11, who among us can say with any certainty to anybody that the weapons might not be used against our troops or against allies in the region? Who can say that this master of miscalculation will not develop a weapon of mass destruction even greater, a nuclear weapon?"

Those words were spoken by (cue sinister music) John F. Kerry. Be clear about this quote. He's not talking about what Bush told him to justify war. No, Kerry's justifying the war by citing exactly the same intelligence sources from which President Bush got his information. Kerry is agreeing with Bush that the intelligence info at the time justified taking action. If Kerry is calling Bush a liar (which Bush isn't), then Kerry is calling himself a liar (which Kerry is).

Now, Dick Cheney is being attacked for not serving in Vietnam. This seals the deal for me. Kerry wants Vietnam to be an issue, front and center? Fine. I was hesitant before, but I now support SBVT. Tell your story and let's know the truth about Kerry's Vietnam service record. Was he able to rescue Rassman because his boat was closer due to the fact that he fled the scene at the first sign of trouble? Did he get a Purple Heart for rice in his ass? Did he get a Purple Heart for having a tiny metal splinter stuck a millimeter or two into his arm that was treated with a band-aid? If he will talk smack on Dick Cheney for not serving in Vietnam, then let's know what Vietnam service means to Kerry. Does it mean four months of fudging your way to medals (and re-enacting your own battles for future publicity) and then getting outta there? Does it mean coming home and being a propagandist for the enemy (Kerry lied here, too). Answer the questions, Senator. Something to hide, perhaps?

The circumstances of the world today are such that I can't stand to have a liar and a cry baby in charge of protecting my loved ones from terrorists. Vote Bush in 2004.


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