Monday, August 30, 2004

Cry baby Kerry

As is well documented, sleazy Democrat groups like have been lambasting President Bush for many months. Bush hasn't cried about it. He hasn't whined to the press. He hasn't made unsubstantiated, irrational accusations about his opponent. He took it like a man. Kerry, on the other hand, is a big friggin' pussy.

The Kerry campaign Sunday criticized first lady Laura Bush for what the campaign called her "statement in support of the swift boat smear ads."

The campaign was referring to a new Time magazine interview in which Mrs. Bush is asked about the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads attacking Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry's war record and his comments upon return from Vietnam.

In the interview she is asked, "Do you think these swift boat ads are unfair to John Kerry?"

"Not really," she replies. "There have been millions of terrible ads against my husband."

Did I miss something? Did she say she supported the ads? Noooo. Remove head from ass, and pay attention. She said they weren't unfair. As in, not unfair because the same has been happening to Mr. Bush for months. But Kerry wants to play the victim. How like a Democrat. "Well I lied under oath about cheating on my wife in the Oval Office with an intern, but THOSE DAMN REPUBLICANS ARE THE BAD GUYS FOR TELLING ON ME!" Bush has condemned the ads by both sides (which according to the Democrats, means no condemnation at all, go figure), but Kerry has refused to do so. He condemned one negative ad about Bush, but is no doubt quite happy to see keep rolling them out.

Call me crazy, but when 19 people can kill 3000 of my countrymen, and thousands more are lining up to do the same, I don't want Kerry the whiner in charge of protecting my family. Not just because he won't get the job done, but because he'll hardly even try.


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