Saturday, August 28, 2004

Americans not welcome in Europe

Secretary of State Colin Powell canceled a planned visit to Athens amid protests. I just want to say Americans are not welcome in Western Europe. Period. That should be painfully obvious by now. After 3000 Americans were killed on 9/11 America worked really hard to make muslims feel like they were still welcome in our (and in many cases, their) country, and we were largely successful despite a few incidents. We remove the worst tyrant of my life time, and the Euros are apoplectic. Any American planning a trip to Western Europe should cancel it if they can. We aren't welcome there, fine. No more of our money should go to them. I'm glad we are moving a large number of our troops from Germany. They aren't needed there, and could provide a boost to one of our many better allies in Eastern Europe. Eurotrash are sanctimonious assholes contributing next to nothing in real terms to make this world a better place. To quote Dick Cheney, Europe, "Go f-ck yourself!"


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