Thursday, July 29, 2004

Earth to Kerry...

Seriously, have you seen these spaceman pictures floating around? Nothing short of hilarious. The Kerry campaign says NASA leaked them. I'd be embarrassed if I got caught playing astronaut with my space toys also.

What a fool. Well for other hilarity, I found a pretty cool site. Check out this stuff at I'll shamelessly throw a few up here:

Gay marriage, anyone?

Chasing ambulances (and a real position on issues) for over 20 years.

I don't have to say anything, it is too funny already.

And finally...

This is, of course, a spoof of Crossing Over With John Edward. The quote in the picture above is real. Too strange to be untrue.

And that's it for now. Thanks for tuning in.


Heard about this on Boortz today. Go to There you will see a photo of Kerry and his fellow Swiftboat vets. He's used images like this to boost his campaign, but evidently some vets in the pictures didn't appreciate it. Hover your mouse over the photo to see which of the vets in the picture support Kerry.

I agree with Al? Damn.

Responding to overtures Bush has made to African Americans, Al Sharpton said, "In all due respect, Mr. President, read my lips: Our vote is not for sale."  I actually agree.  You can't sell what you don't own, and the Democrats bought the African Americans many years ago.  That's right, you descendents of former slaves, you have sold out for the promise of a bigger welfare check.  In exchange for greater government handouts, you have given away the desire to work hard for the American dream.

"Mr. President, the reason we are fighting so hard, the reason we took Florida so seriously, is our right to vote wasn't gained because of our age," he told the Democratic National Convention, his voice booming through the FleetCenter arena.

"Our vote was soaked in the blood of martyrs, soaked in the blood of good men, soaked in the blood of four little girls in Birmingham. This vote is sacred to us.

"This vote can't be bargained away. This vote can't be given away."
Shouting to be heard above the roaring crowd, he said, "In all due respect, Mr. President, read my lips: Our vote is not for sale."

From CNN

The Republican Party was founded on anti-slavery principles. They have been fairly consistent in their stance on race issues. It is the Democrats who can't seem to find a position. Disenfranchised, blacks were of little concern to the Democrats. When blacks gained the right to vote, lo and behold, the Democrats suddenly became their best friend. Democrats don't win votes, they buy them.

Sad news for you, Al. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 wouldn't have passed without a great deal of Republican support. In fact, it had greater Republican support than it did Democratic. President Johnson even cited the overwhelming support of Republicans when he signed it. Who opposed it? Why Al Gore Sr. and Robert Byrd, to name a couple. Two Democrats, one the father of our newly insane former Vice President Al Gore, the other a celebrated Senator in the Democratic party to this day. Robert Byrd (the only former member of the KKK in the Senate, as far as I know) filibustered on the floor to try to stop the act. In the House and Senate both, over 1/3 of Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act. Around 80% of Republicans in both houses voted in favor of it.

Today, Condi Rice, Colin Powell, and Rod Paige are all high ranking blacks in the Bush Administration. And they aren't there as window-dressing. They are all stars in their own right. The minorities don't stop there. Norm Mineta, Elaine Chao, and the now campaigning for Senate Mel Martinez were some other minorities. Beyond that, Bush has several other women serving in his cabinet,the most diverse cabinet ever. Furthermore, Bush has appointed several women and minorities to the courts, but the Democrats keep finding reasons to shoot them down. Ted Kennedy of all people had the audacity to tell Janice Rogers Brown, an African American, that she is outside of the mainstream. This from a man who lost sight of the mainstream long, long ago. The point from Democrats, I think, is if you are a successful black person you are outside of the mainstream. To them, if you are a minority Republican, you aren't even a real minority (just ask Ms. Brown, or Miguel Estrada).

If a black American wants to work hard, and strive for success, they can certainly attain it. If they want handouts, and government intervention, they can be slaves to the Democratic Party.

Friday, July 23, 2004

A message to Hollywood elites

Apparently The Manchurian Candidate is more partisan than Fahrenheit 9/11. This according to The Drudge Report citing a forthcoming NYT column. Hollywood, shut the hell up about Bush and Republicans! We aren't all rich. We aren't all big business executives (a more than fair amount of whom support the Democrats). We are Kansas farmers who want our country protected, but don't want every social program shoved down our throats. We are small business owners who don't appreciate government telling us who we can hire, how much we have to pay them, and forcing us to provide benefits we can't afford. We are college students who are tired of our hippy professors getting loudmouthed liberals to give our commencement addresses, and we are unplugging their microphones when they spout off.

Look at the wealthiest members of the Senate. You will see few Republicans, but many Democrats. While Hollywood elites, quite likely the most overpaid members of our society, are out raising millions for John Kerry for no better reason than they hate Bush, local Joe Shmoe is sending his hard earned money to re-elect Bush for no better reason than they want our country protected. Campaign finance reform has damaged Democrats more than Republicans. Why? Because for some time now Democrats have gotten more obscenely large donations in the form of soft money, while Republicans got most of theirs in the form of hard money from individuals.  It is the Democrats who have taken advantage of the 527 loophole so that their rich assholes can try to buy the election for Kerry.  Republicans tried to stop this in court and failed, so had no choice but to use the same tactic (albeit after Democrats had already spent millions).

Finally, tax cuts for the rich?  Feel free to give yours back, and then some.  Otherwise, shut up you hypocrites.  Want to fix our deficit?  Let's just put up a 90% tax on wealthy liberals who say they like paying higher taxes.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Road Rage: The Cliche

Hey all. Just thought I'd let ya know I have a new and slightly off-color blog called Road Rage: The Cliche. It is a little bit vulgar, and a lot of fun. Just trying to have a good time at the expense of the idiots we all put up with day after day while just trying to get from Point A to Point B with the least amount of hassle.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Sir (Madame?) Elton John

So Elton John thinks that the government is intimidating people out of being able to speak their minds in regards to the Iraq war.  McCarthyesque censorship has Hollywood in the grip of fear (nevermind that McCarthy had nothing to do with the blacklisting way back when).  The funny thing is, I don't seem to notice any loud-mouthed Hollywood assholes having any trouble speaking out.  They slander and lie about the President, and no one says anything.  Oh, wait, Whoopi lost her job.  Well guess what, that was Slim Fast's decision.  Firing Whoopi was just a smart way for a diet company to shed some dead weight.  What Ms. John is really worried about is the poor Dixie Chicks.  They really stepped in it, didn't they.  From the BBC:
"On the one hand, you have someone like Toby Keith, who has come out and been very supportive of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq - which is OK because America is a democracy and Toby Keith is entitled to say what he thinks and feels.

"But, on the other hand, the Dixie Chicks got shot down in flames last year for criticising the president. They were treated like they were being un-American, when in fact they have every right to say whatever they want about him because he's freely elected, and therefore accountable."
Nice sentiment, but just one problem.  As with Whoopi, the government had nothing to do with it.  Nice try, drama queen.  The fact is, you are free from government sanction to say what you will, but not free from any consequences.  As with anything, so too with speech:  if you are stupid, you'll probably pay a price for your stupidity.  Ergo the Dixie Chicks and Whoopi Goldberg.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Bush strikes back!

During campaign stops in Minn. and Mich., President Bush struck back at the dynamic duo and their Hollywood cohorts in response to the nasty fundraiser in which several celebs took crude pot shots at the Bush administration and after which Kerry proclaimed they represented the heart and sould of America.

Said Bush:

"The other day my opponent said, when he was with some entertainers from Hollywood, that they were the heart and soul of America."

"I believe the heart and soul of America is found in places right here."

Thanks, Johns, and thanks to crazy Hollywood liberals for giving the GOP a few extra brush strokes to paint the real portrait of John Kerry, and his view of (and for) America.

Arrogant Europeans

The new President elect of the EU has criticized America for arrogance and unilateralism. This dog and pony show is getting old. Really, did they not get the memo that 3000 Americans were killed in one day? Arrogance is believing you understand the anguish of 9/11. Arrogance is presuming to tell the nation that suffered the worst terrorist attacks in history how they can respond to those attacks. Arrogance is calling America unilateral when we went to the UN multiple times and went in to every war in the last couple of decades with multilateral support. Arrogance is nations whose freedom has been purchased and protected by American taxpayers for decades telling us we're arrogant for removing the worst tyrant in my life. Now who's arrogant?

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Poor Joe Wilson

Sucks to be trumpeted as a hero fighting the evil Bush administration, only to be discovered as a liar and fraud. Thus is the story of Joseph Wilson IV, diplomat, author, husband, douche bag.
"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

Remember this? That little sentence in the President's State of the Union that caused such a stir. Talk of forged documents, and accusations of the President or administration officials deliberately lying abounded. Just one problem: the President was telling the truth. And he has been vindicated. British intel (and French intelligence, if there is such a thing) did have such information, and it didn't come from the forged documents. The Democrats long ago moved on to the next manufactured scandal, but many haven't forgotten the lies they've left in their wake.

More taxes for thee, but not for me

Here's one from The Wall Street Journal (free registration required to view article). I'll excerpt some of it here:

Liberal Loopholes
Edwards and Kerry want to raise taxes, but aren't wild about paying them.

In embracing John Edwards, John Kerry has also endorsed his populist "two Americas" rhetoric and has put tax increases at the center of the election campaign. So it's fair to ask the two Democrats: How much of those tax increases will actually hit the super-rich like yourselves, and how much will end up on the backs of upper middle-class wage earners?
Senator Edwards talks about the need to provide health care for all, but that didn't stop him from using a clever tax dodge to avoid paying $591,000 into the Medicare system. While making his fortune as a trial lawyer in 1995, he formed what is known as a "subchapter S" corporation, with himself as the sole shareholder.

Instead of taking his $26.9 million in earnings directly in the following four years, he paid himself a salary of $360,000 a year and took the rest as corporate dividends. Since salary is subject to 2.9% Medicare tax but dividends aren't, that meant he shielded more than 90% of his income. That's not necessarily illegal, but dodging such a large chunk of employment tax skates perilously close to the line.

The Internal Revenue Service takes a dim view of such operations and "may collapse the structure entirely and argue the S corporation is not truly a separate entity," in the words of Tax Adviser magazine. Attorney CPA magazine lists it as No. 11 of its "15 best underutilized tax loopholes," but warns that the IRS "has successfully litigated cases against individuals, particularly sole shareholders of personal service S corporations, reclassifying such deemed distributions as wages subject to social security taxes."
As a political matter, the dodge is especially hypocritical because the income limits on which Medicare taxes are paid were lifted by Democrats in 1993 specifically to hit "the rich," as Mr. Edwards likes to call people in his tax bracket. And the supreme irony? Mr. Edwards has claimed that he set up the subchapter S company to protect himself from legal liability. You know it's time for tort reform when even the trial lawyers say they're afraid of getting sued.

end excerpt

John Edwards is right. There are two Americas. There's the imaginary one that wealthy liberals think they live in, and the real one in which they kindly allow the rest of us to live.

Some how Democrats have managed to convince most Americans that they'd do a better job managing the economy. If one wants to know what the Democrat idea of doing a better job is, one need look no farther than the debacle that was California between the Republican administrations of Pete Wilson (1991-1999) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (2003 to present).

Part of California's woes stemmed from the collapse of the tech bubble that afflicted the entire nation, but they were made much worse by the mishandled energy crisis which saw one of the absolute wealthiest states in America going through rolling blackouts. Ridiculous taxes (many of which came from ballot initiatives voted on by the general public) drove businesses away in large numbers. These terrible things aren't quirks, but are a microcosm of the radical liberalism they would like to see America embrace. The kind of liberalism you see resulting in 10% unemployment in many European nations. Socialism gone wild has caused much of Europe to be left behind in the rapid recovery America is leading the rest of the world through.

Under Bush, we have seen spending increases (no surprise after 9/11, but still larger than we should have seen) and deficit increases (always needed when a Republican has to fix what the Democrats have screwed up). But with the help of the tax cuts we have overcome the bubble collapse, 9/11, anthrax, 2 wars, and corporate scandals to achieve the fastest growth in many years.

I hope people will consider these issues before voting for Kerry/Edwards. These guys want you to pay more taxes while they use loopholes, protecting most of their income from taxation.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

What was 9/11?

Was September 11, 2001 a turning point for the world, or a hiccup that briefly interrupted our blissful complacency? I guess to most it is the latter. Did Saddam Hussein help with 9/11? The answer is almost certainly that he did not. Will the overthrow of Saddam help bring about an end to terrorism? I would say that the jury is out, but if Bush and his supporters get their way, it certainly will. At the end of the day, the worst thing we did in Iraq is lose 1000+ brave American soldiers, and quite a few Iraq civilians to remove the worst tyrant of my lifetime, who was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and the torture of untold numbers. Was it worth it? History will judge, just as it has judged that Reagan was right, and most of the rest of the world was wrong (though the lefties write their own history, and they miss having the saintly Soviets to keep the evil Americans in check). Maybe Pastors for Peace can go to Iraq and tell them all how they'd have been better off under Saddam. That freedom, and the pursuit of freedom is immoral, and that Bush should have been overthrown, not Saddam.

A chip off the old block, or a blockhead?

Looks like Ron Reagan, the late President Reagan's son, will be speaking at the Democratic Convention, and voting for John Kerry. The real question is: Why is this news? Being true to his politics, he wouldn't have even voted for his own father. I have no problem with this, but I wish the media wouldn't make a big deal out of it. I'd be embarrassed to be associated with my mother's looney tunes political beliefs.

More douche bags (no shortage seen)

According to World Net Daily, there is a group of American pastors who traveled to Cuba and demanded "regime change in the US, not in Cuba." To call these people douche bags is like saying John Kerry looks a little French. These assholes are beyond douche bags. Pastors of the Church of Communist Murder and Slavery I guess. They love peace, and are evidently god-fearing. Where does Castro fit into any of that, fuckwads (sorry for the language, but dildos like these just push my buttons). These guys are men of god the way al Qaeda and the Taliban are. At the bottom of the WND article are quotes from these dickheads given to al Jazeera. Taliban, indeed. It is immoral to have an embargo against a murderous regime, and moral to do business with them? No wonder our kids are so screwed up these days if this is the kind of message of morality they are receiving.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Kerry the conservative!

Kerry told a crowd at a campaign stop that he believes in the same conservative values they cherish. He dislikes abortion and believes that life begins at conception. Meanwhile, in a galaxy far, far away, John Edwards was reassuring a crowd that Kerry would support and defend a woman's right to kill her fetus. Kerry voted against the ban on partial birth abortion. As did Edwards. Based on voting record, this is the most liberal ticket EVER!!

As I've said before, someone who believes life starts at conception, yet still supports abortion is saying, in no uncertain terms, that they believe in a right to infanticide. Conservative values my ass. He is at the same time on your side and against you on every single issue. This isn't just a cliche. Kerry is a flip-flopping douche bag. He's a vote whore. His motto is, "Tell me what you want and I'll be that."

Any simple disagreement?

Is there anyone out there who simply disagrees with Bush on policy issues? All I hear is "I hate Bush!" Really? Grow up. At this ridiculous fundraiser John Kerry held, various crude epithets were hurled at the President.

Newman took off on his fiscal policies, saying, "I think that tax cuts for worried, wealthy thugs like me are borderline criminal," and the notion they produce trickle-down benefits for the poor is "rubbish."

Uh huh. Except that it is trickling down jerk-off. It trickled down in the '80s and led to the boom of the '90s (that and a big technology bubble--do we want another one of those?). Who do these jackasses think pays most of the taxes in this country? The burden on the poor is less in America than just about anywhere.

Actress Jessica Lange branded the Bush administration "a self-serving regime of deceit, hypocrisy and belligerence,"

Was she talking about the Bush administration? Coulda sworn she was talking about Hollywood's limousine liberals.

while comic Chevy Chase heaped scorn on Bush's intellect: "This guy is as bright as an egg-timer."

Oh, but you are brilliant, Chevy. Why don't you go make another 3 dollar grossing movie you ass.

Also on the bill were rockers Jon Bon Jovi, the Dave Matthews Band and John Fogerty, singer John Mellencamp, hip hop artist Mary J. Blige, comic John Leguizamo, and actresses Meryl Streep and Sarah Jessica Parker.

I'm done with all of these assholes. I've been willing to ignore the politics of most celebrities but this fundraiser and things like it go over the line. Whoopi Goldberg made several jokes about the President's name (as it relates to a body part), Mellencamp sang about Bush being a thug. Leguizamo disparaged conservative hispanics. And then John Kerry came out at the end and let everyone know he believes these are the real values of America. He said the each performer in their own way represented the heart and soul of America. Sad thing is that he's least in the "blue" states (Democrat leaning). Red states still believe in decency.

Click here for entire article

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Time to declare war

Edit: Cpl. Hassoun is now at the US embassy in Beirut.

According to the AP, Marine Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun is probably in Lebanon. It is unclear if he defected. If so, and we had a declared war, he could be executed for deserting. That would be ironic in that just a week ago we were worried about militants executing him. We shouldn't have such an aversion to declaring war. In fact, Bush should start pushing for just such a declaration now. That would help refocus public attention on the issue of terrorism. It would be right for America, and, I think, politically smart for Bush. He just has to say that without the declaration of war, he isn't getting the tools he needs to fight terrorism. The economy is going much better than the war on terror, yet many people are more worried about the economy than terrorism. This is nuts. I think Iraq has run the public out of gas on the issue of terrorism, but the war is far from over. Iranian intelligence agents were caught with explosives in Iraq, and we are going to have to punish them. Syria is quite possibly harboring Iraqi WMDs, and are also encouraging terrorism. Both nations allow militants to cross their borders into Iraq, and both regimes should be destroyed.

Militants try to convince everyone that the war on terror is a war on Islam. Well it most certainly is a war on a brand of Islam. Like WWII, we didn't start the war, and we didn't join it until thousands of innocent people were killed in one attack.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Ed Koch on Bush, Haliburton, Iraq

Just a few block quotes from the most recent column by Ed Koch, Democrat and former mayor of New York City. A well-known figure in the Democratic party. Here he talks about Israel, and George W. Bush.

The United States supports Israel in the face of constant criticism from the European Union, Russia and the United Nations — the same critics of the U.S. policy on Iraq. It takes courage for a U.S. president to stand by Israel in a climate of such sustained hostility. In my book, the three presidents who have been the most stalwart friends of Israel are, in order, George W. Bush (43, as they call him, not 41), Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton. I do not agree with President Bush on a single major, controversial, domestic issue, whether it's tax reductions or health care. But he has been superb both on the war on terror and on Israel. That is why I am voting for him. I don't believe the Democrats have the stomach for the fight against international terrorism. John Kerry conveyed his lack of knowledge on the subject of Israel when he stated that he would on election appoint either former president Jimmy Carter or former Secretary of State James Baker, both hostile to Israel, as his representative to the Mideast negotiations.

He goes on to dispell erroneous allegations of corruption in the use of "limited competition" contracts in the reconstruction of Iraq.

On June 29, 2004, I wrote to David Walker, Comptroller General of the U.S., asking a simple question:

"Can you tell me if any federal agency, including the General Accounting Office, has examined why Halliburton and Bechtel were awarded exclusive no-bid contracts in Iraq? If such investigations occurred, has any agency come to a conclusion as to whether the procedure was faulty or illegal?"

Two days later, I received a response accompanied by an extensive report. The following is an excerpt from the Comptroller General's letter:

"You specifically asked about contracts awarded to Bechtel National Inc. and to a Halliburton subsidiary, Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), for reconstruction efforts. I must first note that in conducting the review, we did not target any particular companies, nor exclude any relevant companies from the scope of our effort. Overall, we looked at 25 contracts or task orders based on various factors, such as dollar value and whether they were awarded using other than full and open competitive procedures. These 25 contract actions represented about 97 percent of the total dollars obligated for reconstruction through September 30, 2003.

"We found that the U.S. Agency for International Development properly justified the award of contracts using limited competition, including the contract you mentioned to Bechtel. With regard to KBR, we found the Army issued a $1.9 million task order in November 2002 for contingency planning that was beyond the scope of the underlying contract. The Army should have prepared a written justification to authorize the work without competition. In light of the exigent circumstances, such a justification was likely possible but needed to be made and documented to comply with the law and protect the taxpayer's interests. The Department of Defense subsequently awarded a contract in March 2003 to KBR to execute the plan for restoring the Iraqi oil infrastructure, the so-called 'RIO contract.' The contracting officer's written justification for the sole-source contract outlined the rationale for the decision and other factors. The justification was approved by the Army's senior procurement executive, as required. We reviewed the justification and approval documentation and determined that it generally complied with applicable legal standards."

If the critics have factual information showing why the awarding of contracts to Halliburton involved favoritism, corruption or other violations of the law, they should make it public.

I agree with the last statement in particular. If the Dems have information of misconduct, let's hear it. Put up or for God's sake shut up.

Abortion, Kerry? Yes or no?

Abortion is a nasty part of our lives,whether you support the right or not. The problem with the abortion debate is that one side presents reason, and the other emotion, and neither side is particularly interested in trying to understand the other.

If you support a "right to choose" (a handy euphemism for killing a fetus), and you believe that human life begins at birth, then I can understand the support for abortion. I think this view of life is naive and wishful thinking, but not necessarily despicable. However, John Kerry believes life begins at conception, yet supports a "right to choose". This position is despicable as it is tantamount to saying you support infanticide. If you accept even a decent possibility that a fetus is a human life, then it is immoral under the laws of man (note man, not god) to terminate the fetus.

In my view, if the pro-abortion lobby can prove beyond reasonable doubt (the standard for accused murderers should be good enough for the possible protection of children), medically and scientifically, when life begins, I'd support abortions all day long before that stage of development is reached. If they can't (and they can't, yet) then we should err on the side of caution. As with accused murderers, we should be biased toward life until the other side is able to prove its case.

In large part, the left is all too eager to stop the execution of convicted child murderers, yet even more eager to protect the right of women to kill their fetus. If women want the right to choose, how about the right to choose not to engage in activities that lead to pregnancy? And if you are concerned about rape, or the life of the mother, then that sounds like a better place to start the debate.

Monday, July 05, 2004

They're not even a real country, anyway

So 40% of Canadian teens believe America is evil. I'll note that 64% of French Canadian teens think that, but 100% of French Canadians are smelly cowards who spend their day high on pot, so they don't count. So 40% of Canadian teens think we're evil. What kind of douche bag do you have to be to live well at the expense of a neighbor, and then call that neighbor evil? Let's see. Canada can spend next to nothing on their military thanks to us. They get super-cheap prescription drugs thanks to us. They get the full benefit of our great technological innovations. We provide them jobs. But we are evil. Well, if we are evil, Canada is a parasite leaching off of America's lifeblood.

Pay attention, now, America is now in the position of having enemies and allies alike appease their own populations by blaming everything bad in the world on the evil Americans.

The author, Arthur Weinreb, isn't surprised by the results and blames them on ignorance. A lack of understanding of what the grownups (America and Britain) are doing for the world, and what the free world faces in the form of enemies.

The Liberal government came into power in 1993 gushing anti-Americanism. Former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien’s communications director, Francoise Ducros, made headlines when she referred to President Bush as a moron. Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish was picked up on a boom microphone saying, "Damn Americans — I hate those bastards". Not only did Parrish not apologize for her remarks, but she later appeared on a television show hosted by alleged comedian Mike Bullard and laughed about the incident. Parrish played to the anti-Americanism of the youthful studio audience by saying that she couldn’t guarantee that she wouldn’t do it again.

Not only did then Prime Minister Jean Chrétien not take any action against his staff or caucus members, he himself engaged in America-bashing. The depth of his anti-Americanism surfaced shortly after the 9/11 attacks when he blamed the arrogance and greed of the West (read the United States) for those attacks.

When Paul Martin assumed office last December, the childish cheap shots ended but, if anything, anti-Americanism became stronger.

Anti-Americanism played a prominent role in the election strategy of the Liberals. Paul Martin portrayed himself as the saviour of Canadian medicare while saying that if Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada came to power they would introduce "American-style" health care. Martin was happy to take credit for cutting taxes and eliminating the deficit during the 1990s when he was Minister of Finance, but he referred to tax cuts included in the Conservative Party platform as being "American-style tax cuts". Canadians who favour lower taxes or the private delivery of health care services or smaller governments or anything similar to what is found in the United States were called "un-Canadian" by Paul Martin.

It is therefore not surprising that a high percentage of Canadian youth think that the United States is evil. Nor is it surprising that this feeling is more pronounced in Quebec where Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe said that he would rather live under the United Nations than the Stars and Stripes. The left wing Canadian political parties, aided by their supporters in the elite media don’t seem to be able to say anything positive about Canada without denigrating the United States in the process.

The poll results reflect that anti-Americanism will be solidly entrenched in future generations of Canadians. As well as listening to the propaganda espoused by their political leaders and the media, these kids have no experience with what constitutes real evil. They live in a country that much like pre-9/11 America, thinks that terrorist attacks are something that happens in other countries. And as the World War II veterans slowly die off, they have no conviction of the evil that the allies risked their lives to defeat.

With anti-Americanism playing such a prominent role in this past election campaign, it is no wonder that the United States was viewed in such a negative light.

It is easy to not make enemies when your only neighboring country is a benevolent nation who provides for the majority of your defense.

Not everyone hates us...

Iraqis appreciate America, and they understand what we have done and are doing for them. Omar of Iraq the Model, an Iraqi web log, translates some comments made by average Muslims on the BBC's Arabic Have Your Say forum. It is interesting to see the difference between Iraqis (both in Iraq, and abroad) and their Arab neighbors. Most are excerpted below:

-If we are to claim arab and Muslim brotherhood, then at least we should not accept the murder of our brothers. I don’t know how can anyone defend a man like Saddam when he killed hundreds of thousands of your brothers in Iraq, Iran and Kuwait.
A fellow Iraqi once said to me, “if Saddam had treated us in the same manner Sharon treats Palestinians, we would’ve sacrificed our lives to defend him!” If the arab nations see Saddam as a hero then I’m not an Arab anymore and congratulations for your remaining “heros” (God bless them!).
Mohammed Mohsin-Iraqi in Dubai.

-We wish, by God we wish! We count hours and minutes to see justice done. Everyone here wants to take revenge by his own hands. Yet, let justice take its course.
Mohammed Al Badri-Nassiriya/iraq.

-This trial will show that Saddam is a hero that will be remembered by history and it’s enough to see that it was broadcasted without the sound.
Mohammed Al Salami-Egypt.

-Let the those who judge Saddam take his place, and if the world want to judge someone let us start with America and Israel.
Khudir Al Dagdad-Amman/Jordan.

-Thank God for this trial and for humiliating Saddam just as he humiliated Iraq and almost destroyed her entirely if it wasn’t for the US led coalition. We (Iraqis not Egyptians or Palestinians) demand his execution and we thank the Americans for saving us from his tyranny.

-Congratulation mother, the day you’ve always prayed for has come. Rest in peace father, now I see with my own eyes what you sacrificed your life for. Thank God Almighty, and all the gratitude to the man; GWB who made this possible and humiliated the Pharaoh of the present time.

-The Americans are the ones who will judge Saddam behind the curtains therefore anyone who calls for Saddam to be judged is a Zionist-American. We in Palestine call for his release.
Al Salih Rami- Al Quds/Palestine.

-To Mr. Al Salih Rami: putting Saddam into a trial is part of Iraq’s freedom and independence, the freedom that you don’t have, and By the way; where can we find this Palestine you’re talking about?

-Congratulations for our people. The tyrant’s hour has came. As for Arabs; congratulations for your slavery and your submission to your tyrants.
Shakir Al Ajili-Babylon/Iraq.

-May you rest in peace, victims of the mass graves and chemical weapons, Kuwaiti and Iranian youths. It’s the justice hour.
The Iraqi government is capable of handling Saddam’s trial, as for the protection, Iraqi armed forces can provide it and there is no harm in getting help from the American army. We’ll send the good news to all Saddam lovers and we will show them how we handle justice and we will not forget to thank the Americans; they are who saved us from him, arrested him and handed him to us and they are the ones who keep their promises. We wish that Al Zargawi and his gang get arrested and face justice soon.
Mohammed Al Khafaji-Babylon.

-I say, congratulation for the Iraqis, as America is proving that she is keeping her promises opposite to what some Arabs and fundamentalists claim. She promised to topple Saddam and she did, she promised to hand over the authority and she did and she promised to hand over Saddam and she did. She promised to help us have free elections and this will happen by God’s will. As for some of the arabs who weep upon Saddam, they need urgent psychotherapy. I wish some of these people come to Iraq (not in a car loaded with explosives) and voice their opinion here in public.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Happy Birthday America!!!

Happy 228th!! May we have many more, yet always stay young at heart!

Friday, July 02, 2004

Our old friends

The French and Germans are at it again. They are critical of Iraq for reinstating the death penalty ahead of Saddam's trial. If I were an Iraqi, I'd quote the recent epithet spoken by the American Vice President. "F*ck yourself!" That would be the appropriate response to France and Germany on a whole range of issues. Neither of these countries really have an idea (nor do they care) of the hell the Iraqis lived in because of Hussein, and it is none of their business.

More WMD info

A report from the AP details an account of Polish soldiers finding out about some chemical weapons munitions. If that isn't disturbing enough, terrorists had apparently been trying to purchase the weapons, but the Poles bought them first. Alright, guys, we know Saddam had the WMDs and we have to find them. Let's get serious about this. At this point, people who are saying Iraq had no WMDs are just deliberately perpetuating a falsehood. They are people who have an anti-Bush agenda, and will stop at nothing (even the harm of their country) to see their agenda brought to fruition. UN resolutions were primarily aimed at getting rid of Saddam's old WMDs, and stopping new ones from being produced. Any questions or statements about the age of the WMDs we are finding are immaterial. All WMDs, older or newer, are extremely dangerous and are the subject of the UN resolutions. From the article:

"Laboratory tests showed the presence in them of cyclosarin, a very toxic gas, five times stronger than sarin and five times more durable," Bieniek told Poland's TVN24 at the force's Camp Babylon headquarters.

"If these warheads, which were still usable, were used on a military base like Camp Babylon, they would have caused unforeseeable damage."

The tests were done by U.S. experts, who were conducting more.

Folks (mainstream media), we have to take this more seriously.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

A first for China

For the first time ever, the people of China may get to view a foreign documentary in their theaters. That documentary? Why Fahrenheit 9/11 of course. Thank you, Michael Moore, for giving unprecedented anti-America propaganda to Americas enemies and competitors. Your out and out lies are much appreciated by those who hate America. What a patriot. If everyone in the world used as much time, money, and energy to combat poverty, disease, despotism, and/or terrorism as they do worrying about and attacking America, we'd have a planetary utopia.

New Democratic Candidate for President?

Saddam Hussein appeared in court today. He said Bush is the real criminal. That Bush is doing this to win the election. Sounds familiar. Sounds like Teddy Kennedy, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi etc. I think Saddam would be a pretty good replacement candidate for the Democrats. He would already have worldwide appeal. Our so-called allies in Europe are steamed that he's not in charge anymore, as they fiercely opposed his removal, I'm sure they'd be happy to see him in charge of a nation again.

Perhaps someone forgot to mention Saddam was anti-Communist (one reason we supported him in the '80s, but the fact that there were actual reasons is conveniently forgotten). This would lower his support among Democrats and Euroskanks. Billy Crystal told John Kerry, "If you're having good time, tell your face." Unlike Kerry, Saddam, like President Clinton (not that I'm comparing the two...Clinton loved Communists), knew how to live it up.