Sunday, July 11, 2004

What was 9/11?

Was September 11, 2001 a turning point for the world, or a hiccup that briefly interrupted our blissful complacency? I guess to most it is the latter. Did Saddam Hussein help with 9/11? The answer is almost certainly that he did not. Will the overthrow of Saddam help bring about an end to terrorism? I would say that the jury is out, but if Bush and his supporters get their way, it certainly will. At the end of the day, the worst thing we did in Iraq is lose 1000+ brave American soldiers, and quite a few Iraq civilians to remove the worst tyrant of my lifetime, who was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and the torture of untold numbers. Was it worth it? History will judge, just as it has judged that Reagan was right, and most of the rest of the world was wrong (though the lefties write their own history, and they miss having the saintly Soviets to keep the evil Americans in check). Maybe Pastors for Peace can go to Iraq and tell them all how they'd have been better off under Saddam. That freedom, and the pursuit of freedom is immoral, and that Bush should have been overthrown, not Saddam.


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