Saturday, July 10, 2004

Kerry the conservative!

Kerry told a crowd at a campaign stop that he believes in the same conservative values they cherish. He dislikes abortion and believes that life begins at conception. Meanwhile, in a galaxy far, far away, John Edwards was reassuring a crowd that Kerry would support and defend a woman's right to kill her fetus. Kerry voted against the ban on partial birth abortion. As did Edwards. Based on voting record, this is the most liberal ticket EVER!!

As I've said before, someone who believes life starts at conception, yet still supports abortion is saying, in no uncertain terms, that they believe in a right to infanticide. Conservative values my ass. He is at the same time on your side and against you on every single issue. This isn't just a cliche. Kerry is a flip-flopping douche bag. He's a vote whore. His motto is, "Tell me what you want and I'll be that."


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