Saturday, July 10, 2004

Any simple disagreement?

Is there anyone out there who simply disagrees with Bush on policy issues? All I hear is "I hate Bush!" Really? Grow up. At this ridiculous fundraiser John Kerry held, various crude epithets were hurled at the President.

Newman took off on his fiscal policies, saying, "I think that tax cuts for worried, wealthy thugs like me are borderline criminal," and the notion they produce trickle-down benefits for the poor is "rubbish."

Uh huh. Except that it is trickling down jerk-off. It trickled down in the '80s and led to the boom of the '90s (that and a big technology bubble--do we want another one of those?). Who do these jackasses think pays most of the taxes in this country? The burden on the poor is less in America than just about anywhere.

Actress Jessica Lange branded the Bush administration "a self-serving regime of deceit, hypocrisy and belligerence,"

Was she talking about the Bush administration? Coulda sworn she was talking about Hollywood's limousine liberals.

while comic Chevy Chase heaped scorn on Bush's intellect: "This guy is as bright as an egg-timer."

Oh, but you are brilliant, Chevy. Why don't you go make another 3 dollar grossing movie you ass.

Also on the bill were rockers Jon Bon Jovi, the Dave Matthews Band and John Fogerty, singer John Mellencamp, hip hop artist Mary J. Blige, comic John Leguizamo, and actresses Meryl Streep and Sarah Jessica Parker.

I'm done with all of these assholes. I've been willing to ignore the politics of most celebrities but this fundraiser and things like it go over the line. Whoopi Goldberg made several jokes about the President's name (as it relates to a body part), Mellencamp sang about Bush being a thug. Leguizamo disparaged conservative hispanics. And then John Kerry came out at the end and let everyone know he believes these are the real values of America. He said the each performer in their own way represented the heart and soul of America. Sad thing is that he's least in the "blue" states (Democrat leaning). Red states still believe in decency.

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