Friday, July 23, 2004

A message to Hollywood elites

Apparently The Manchurian Candidate is more partisan than Fahrenheit 9/11. This according to The Drudge Report citing a forthcoming NYT column. Hollywood, shut the hell up about Bush and Republicans! We aren't all rich. We aren't all big business executives (a more than fair amount of whom support the Democrats). We are Kansas farmers who want our country protected, but don't want every social program shoved down our throats. We are small business owners who don't appreciate government telling us who we can hire, how much we have to pay them, and forcing us to provide benefits we can't afford. We are college students who are tired of our hippy professors getting loudmouthed liberals to give our commencement addresses, and we are unplugging their microphones when they spout off.

Look at the wealthiest members of the Senate. You will see few Republicans, but many Democrats. While Hollywood elites, quite likely the most overpaid members of our society, are out raising millions for John Kerry for no better reason than they hate Bush, local Joe Shmoe is sending his hard earned money to re-elect Bush for no better reason than they want our country protected. Campaign finance reform has damaged Democrats more than Republicans. Why? Because for some time now Democrats have gotten more obscenely large donations in the form of soft money, while Republicans got most of theirs in the form of hard money from individuals.  It is the Democrats who have taken advantage of the 527 loophole so that their rich assholes can try to buy the election for Kerry.  Republicans tried to stop this in court and failed, so had no choice but to use the same tactic (albeit after Democrats had already spent millions).

Finally, tax cuts for the rich?  Feel free to give yours back, and then some.  Otherwise, shut up you hypocrites.  Want to fix our deficit?  Let's just put up a 90% tax on wealthy liberals who say they like paying higher taxes.


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