Saturday, July 17, 2004

Sir (Madame?) Elton John

So Elton John thinks that the government is intimidating people out of being able to speak their minds in regards to the Iraq war.  McCarthyesque censorship has Hollywood in the grip of fear (nevermind that McCarthy had nothing to do with the blacklisting way back when).  The funny thing is, I don't seem to notice any loud-mouthed Hollywood assholes having any trouble speaking out.  They slander and lie about the President, and no one says anything.  Oh, wait, Whoopi lost her job.  Well guess what, that was Slim Fast's decision.  Firing Whoopi was just a smart way for a diet company to shed some dead weight.  What Ms. John is really worried about is the poor Dixie Chicks.  They really stepped in it, didn't they.  From the BBC:
"On the one hand, you have someone like Toby Keith, who has come out and been very supportive of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq - which is OK because America is a democracy and Toby Keith is entitled to say what he thinks and feels.

"But, on the other hand, the Dixie Chicks got shot down in flames last year for criticising the president. They were treated like they were being un-American, when in fact they have every right to say whatever they want about him because he's freely elected, and therefore accountable."
Nice sentiment, but just one problem.  As with Whoopi, the government had nothing to do with it.  Nice try, drama queen.  The fact is, you are free from government sanction to say what you will, but not free from any consequences.  As with anything, so too with speech:  if you are stupid, you'll probably pay a price for your stupidity.  Ergo the Dixie Chicks and Whoopi Goldberg.


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