Monday, July 05, 2004

They're not even a real country, anyway

So 40% of Canadian teens believe America is evil. I'll note that 64% of French Canadian teens think that, but 100% of French Canadians are smelly cowards who spend their day high on pot, so they don't count. So 40% of Canadian teens think we're evil. What kind of douche bag do you have to be to live well at the expense of a neighbor, and then call that neighbor evil? Let's see. Canada can spend next to nothing on their military thanks to us. They get super-cheap prescription drugs thanks to us. They get the full benefit of our great technological innovations. We provide them jobs. But we are evil. Well, if we are evil, Canada is a parasite leaching off of America's lifeblood.

Pay attention, now, America is now in the position of having enemies and allies alike appease their own populations by blaming everything bad in the world on the evil Americans.

The author, Arthur Weinreb, isn't surprised by the results and blames them on ignorance. A lack of understanding of what the grownups (America and Britain) are doing for the world, and what the free world faces in the form of enemies.

The Liberal government came into power in 1993 gushing anti-Americanism. Former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien’s communications director, Francoise Ducros, made headlines when she referred to President Bush as a moron. Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish was picked up on a boom microphone saying, "Damn Americans — I hate those bastards". Not only did Parrish not apologize for her remarks, but she later appeared on a television show hosted by alleged comedian Mike Bullard and laughed about the incident. Parrish played to the anti-Americanism of the youthful studio audience by saying that she couldn’t guarantee that she wouldn’t do it again.

Not only did then Prime Minister Jean Chrétien not take any action against his staff or caucus members, he himself engaged in America-bashing. The depth of his anti-Americanism surfaced shortly after the 9/11 attacks when he blamed the arrogance and greed of the West (read the United States) for those attacks.

When Paul Martin assumed office last December, the childish cheap shots ended but, if anything, anti-Americanism became stronger.

Anti-Americanism played a prominent role in the election strategy of the Liberals. Paul Martin portrayed himself as the saviour of Canadian medicare while saying that if Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada came to power they would introduce "American-style" health care. Martin was happy to take credit for cutting taxes and eliminating the deficit during the 1990s when he was Minister of Finance, but he referred to tax cuts included in the Conservative Party platform as being "American-style tax cuts". Canadians who favour lower taxes or the private delivery of health care services or smaller governments or anything similar to what is found in the United States were called "un-Canadian" by Paul Martin.

It is therefore not surprising that a high percentage of Canadian youth think that the United States is evil. Nor is it surprising that this feeling is more pronounced in Quebec where Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe said that he would rather live under the United Nations than the Stars and Stripes. The left wing Canadian political parties, aided by their supporters in the elite media don’t seem to be able to say anything positive about Canada without denigrating the United States in the process.

The poll results reflect that anti-Americanism will be solidly entrenched in future generations of Canadians. As well as listening to the propaganda espoused by their political leaders and the media, these kids have no experience with what constitutes real evil. They live in a country that much like pre-9/11 America, thinks that terrorist attacks are something that happens in other countries. And as the World War II veterans slowly die off, they have no conviction of the evil that the allies risked their lives to defeat.

With anti-Americanism playing such a prominent role in this past election campaign, it is no wonder that the United States was viewed in such a negative light.

It is easy to not make enemies when your only neighboring country is a benevolent nation who provides for the majority of your defense.


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