Wednesday, June 30, 2004


All of the actions and rhetoric of the left (the attacks on Cheney over Haliburton, the documentaries, the lambasting of the President while he is overseas conducting the business of America, you get the picture) shows quite clearly that many on the left hate Bush more than they love America. The Democrats whine incessantly about attacks on their patriotism, yet they cannot cite the instances of those attacks. However, they (Al Gore, Teresa Heinz Kerry, and Wes Clark, to name a few) have launched plenty of attacks on the patriotism of members of the administration. This is, of course, an attempt to preempt Republican attacks on patently unpatriotic positions taken by Democrats. John Kerry's platform, as far as I can see, is "Vote for me 'cuz I hate Bush and you should, too." America isn't liberating Iraq out of hatred. We didn't liberate Afghanistan out of hatred. In fact, all of the hatred is coming from the left. Who can blame Dick Cheney when, after countless absurd attacks on him regarding Haliburton, he finally had had enough and told Pat Leahy what to do with himself. The left view their enemy as Bush, and the world's enemy as America. I don't have to call them unpatriotic. It is evident.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Bush gives Chirac the finger...metaphorically speaking

French President Chirac scolded Bush for saying he believed Turkey should be in the EU. Chirac said he believed it was none of Bush's business. France doesn't mind sticking her gigantic nose into our business, so Bush ignored Chirac (as he has a habit of doing) and gave a speech supporting Turkish entry into the EU.

There's no delicate way to put it. Chirac is an arrogant prick. I'm all for anything we can do to make this dickhead look bad. We should actively seek to curb French influence and power wherever we can. If you think France is an ally of America, you are an idiot.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Hostage Soldiers

Reports are in that Spc. Keith Maupin has been killed by the thugs who had kidnapped him. As it turns out, the other soldier being held under threat of beheading is a Muslim. All I can say is my thoughts are with them and their families. I hope that the fact that the second captive is a Muslim will somehow save his life, but judging from the fact that most of the people these guys are killing are Muslims, it is a small hope.

WSJ op-ed

The Wall Street Journal has an op-ed today criticizing our "allies" for not being allies. Click here to read (you may have to register). I would excerpt the good stuff, but the entire thing is a must-read. I will give the first and last paragraph:

What Alliance?
Our friends in NATO are failing the Iraq test.

Monday, June 28, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT

Webster's defines alliance as an "association to further the common interests of the members." The camaraderie on display at today's opening of the NATO summit in Istanbul notwithstanding, the past two years have seen little evidence that the organization still fits this definition.


Earlier this month, the U.S. and Europe commemorated the sacrifices of American soldiers on the Normandy beaches to liberate Europe from the Nazis in 1944. For the next 60 years, American taxpayers footed most of the bill to protect Europe, most recently deploying forces to stop the Balkan wars. Somehow Europeans appear to believe Americans will continue doing this indefinitely, regardless of European behavior and attitudes. They are badly mistaken.

Europe, are you reading the Journal?

Iraqi Sovereignty

Iraq is now a sovereign nation. Now, hopefully, the terrorists and insurgents which were an American problem will become an Iraqi problem. Hopefully Iraqis will now enter mosques and clear the weapons out. With luck, Iraq will become a stable democracy, and an important symbol to counter the racists who believe Muslims are incapable of democracy. May this be the first of many new peace-loving democracies in the Middle East.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Geneva conventions

It looks as though a US Marine is being held under threat of beheading now. These terrorists who are beheading people deserve to be the bottom row of a naked pyramid in Abu Ghraib. These people are not covered by the Geneva conventions, and these are probably mostly the types appearing in the pictures of Abu Ghraib. If this soldier were beheaded, and his captors were apprehended, and I were a prison guard, snarling dogs and panties on the head would be the last thing they'd have to worry about. Maybe if jerk-offs the world (and certain douche bag liberal senators from Taxachussetts) are going to go ahead and judge us as torturers on par with Saddam himself, we should at least do some torturing.

People whine constantly that the mistreatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib puts Americans in greater danger. I wish that the kind of things happening in Abu Ghraib were the worst that happened to Nick Berg and Paul Johnson (and Danny Pearl who was killed long before Abu Ghraib). If panties, pyramids, and dogs get us a shred of extra info, let's do it. We're at war.

Regarding More WMD...

In a post yesterday, I detailed further weapons of mass destruction that have been found in Iraq. Can I just say that only a great fool would see this and decide to give Saddam the benefit of the doubt? Would people try to pass these off as old if they had been nuclear weapons instead of chemical? These chem weapons could still be deadly and we have to ramp up efforts to find and account for what the UN knew Saddam had.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

More Iraqi WMD

From World Net Daily

"Duelfer [head of coalition inspection efforts] said his inspection team has uncovered bombs filled with blistering mustard gas or the nerve agent sarin.

"We're not sure how many more are out there that haven't been found, but we've found 10 or 12 sarin and mustard rounds," he said. "I'm reluctant to judge what that means at this point, but there's other aspects of the program which we still have to flush out."

In May, U.S. military officials found a bomb containing chemicals to form sarin gas and another with a mustard agent – weapons Saddam was required to destroy under U.S. sanctions and terms of the cease-fire from the 1990-91 Gulf war."

Get that? I don't give a damn how old these shells are, possessing them was a violation of every UN resolution regarding Iraq's WMDs!! Why the hell do the anti-war folks insist upon giving Saddam the benefit of the doubt?? Why do they hate Bush so much that they'll do anything, even to the detriment of the nation, to get at him? You don't have to support the war or Bush, but stop taking positions that hurt your nation.

Betting against humanitarians

I would be willing to bet that 99% or more of the people/organizations that call themselves human rights activists have done little more than run their mouths to improve human rights. And I'd bet that 99% of the places that have seen substantive human rights improvements have needed more than talk from jerks who just like to hear themselves called human rights activists to get those improvements. I'd bet 99% or more of people who call themselves peace activists have done nothing to bring peace to the world. Most of the peace brought to the world is done so by people who don't spend their time calling themselves peace activists. If you've spent more time fuming about the abuses committed by a few soldiers on one day in November '03 at Abu Ghraib prison than you have about the decades of rape, torture, and murder committed by Saddam's goons in Abu Ghraib, guess what? You are a douche.

What kind of world are we?

Are we going to be a world that allows men like Saddam to rule nations the way men like Saddam rule nations? How can anyone protest what America is doing in Iraq? The world should feel shame for allowing Saddam to rule as long as he did, and those who opposed the war have certainly driven up the death toll on all sides of the conflict. How would this whole war have gone differently if all decent nations had backed America? There would have been far less death. But that would require moral courage, which is something Europe has never had in any abundance. There has been more moral outrage from Europe for the actions of a few soldiers acting mostly on one day in November of 2003 in Abu Ghraib than over the decades of Saddam's murdering. America is right to free Iraq, and the entire rest of the world is wrong.

We should close our bases in Germany. We should move to Eastern Europe, and we should tell our less reliable allies that they are on their own.

We should close our bases in Korea. They don't want us there. In fact, they protest our presence. We are about to withdraw thousands of troops (which has also been protested as many Koreans catering to the needs of American troops will lose their jobs), but a good 20,000 troops will be remaining. South Korea has been getting wealthy at our expense long enough. We are protecting them from a neighbor that is far poorer. Not to mention that America seems to want to take the threat posed by North Korea far more seriously than the South Koreans. They want to appease, fine. They can protect themselves from now on.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Jack Ryan

No, not the Tom Clancy one, but the ex-husband of Jeri (SO HOT) Ryan of Star Trek: Voyager fame. A good guy who seems to have a strange sex fetish, Jack Ryan is dropping out of the Senate race. Unsealed divorce papers state that he allegedly tried to get Jeri Ryan to have sex with him in public at sex clubs. I think he should have stayed in the race. Now, true, this might hurt him with Republican voters, this should have helped him among Democrats. Really, if I were married to Jeri Ryan, I'd be trying to get her to have sex with me everywhere! I suppose this is the difference between Democrats and Republicans. Bill Clinton cheats on his wife, and his support climbs. Jack Ryan tries to have sex with his wife (albeit in some strange places) and loses support. Stupid higher standards...Democrats have all the fun...

Salute Home Depot

The Home Depot is donating a million bucks to the war effort. They are also donating manpower to help military spouses maintain their homes. Many companies deservedly come under fire for outsourcing, relocating overseas to avoid taxes and war profiteering. It is useful to remember that there are still patriotic companies out there. Click here for the whole story.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Al, please shut up

Al Gore, for the love of God will you please just shut up?!?! You lost the election by a hair, but you're a loser by choice. Referring to the ties between al Qaeda and Iraq, Gore scoffed "If they believe these flimsy scraps, then who would want them in charge of anything?" Eh? You're right, Al. I'd much rather have a president who believes the best about our enemies. But you don't believe the ties, Al? Your VP choice, Joe Lieberman, had this to say on Hardball With Chris Matthews:

"I want to be real clear about the connection with terrorists. I've seen a lot of evidence on this. There are extensive contacts between Saddam Hussein's government and al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. I never could reach the conclusion that [Saddam] was part of September 11. Don't get me wrong about that. But there was so much smoke there that it made me worry. And you know, some people say with a great facility, al Qaeda and Saddam could never get together. He is secular and they're theological. But there's something that tied them together. It's their hatred of us."

Not to mention the Clinton administration believed there were ties between the two. Yep, that's right. During your term as VP, your boss believed in ties between Iraq and al Qaeda.

But you assume Saddam wasn't up to anything. Kinda like assuming that the North Koreans were living up to their side of the agreement on nuclear weapons, eh? Terrific job you and Mr. Clinton did dealing with North Korea. Just brilliant.

Al Gore is a 5 yaar douche!

Kerry the Truant!

Talk about AWOL!! I wish I could show up to work as often as Kerry does. So John Kerry decides to make a rare appearance at his job, hoping to cast a vote he could then jaunt around the country bragging about. Just one snag...the Republicans decided to delay the vote. The indignation from Kerry is laughable. Kerry said, "Once again, it's my way or the highway, shut the door, lock the people out, don't let them take part in the democracy, don't respect the institution. Don't show the common courtesies that actually bring people together to find the common ground. So they found a way all day to twiddle their thumbs, do very little, attend a reception at the White House, but not let John Kerry vote.

"That's the way they play," Kerry continued. "That's what's at stake in this race."

Really? That's what's at stake? Interesting because I thought it was just little things like American prosperity and national security. I didn't realize being rude to the Great John Kerry was what was at stake. What an arrogant fop. Funny that the same people who are denying an up or down vote to deserving (by the Democrats' own professed standards) judicial nominees are whining about playing politics with our democratic institutions. Really, how dare those Republicans deny Kerry is biannual vote! I only wish more Democrats would go on the campaign trail and stop voting in the Senate. Something might actually get done.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

My Mideast peace plan

Palestinians stop murdering innocent people (Israelis and their own), Arafat steps down. Israel pulls back to 1967 lines, dismantles settlements, ceases incursions into Palestinian towns. Middle Eastern countries recognize Israel and open diplomatic missions. America makes it clear that further attacks on Israel will not be tolerated. Not too hard, eh?

Unrecognized debts

There are a lot of things that Americans provide for other nations that most citizens of those nations (and ours for that matter) don't realize and will likely never be grateful for. One of the more obvious examples would be prescription drugs. Americans pay ridiculous prices for their drugs, while they are provided for a fraction of the cost to other nations. If Americans paid the prices that other nations' citizens pay, there would be no incentive for researching and developing new drugs. In other words, we pay a higher price so they can pay a lower one. Don't expect a "thank you" for this one.

A less obvious example would be the security we've provided for appeasers. South Koreans are appeasers. Their policy toward North Korea has been one of appeasement, knowing as they do that America will provide for their protection. They even go so far as to openly disagree with us as we try to mount pressure on the North to disarm. This is like a woman slapping her protective brother to ingratiate herself with an abusive husband. Make America look like a jerk to appease the tyrant, because you know we won't abandon you. It should be said, though, that at least South Korea is going against type by sending troops to Iraq, despite the large-scale protestations by the Korean people. To appease the Soviets, most of Europe actively opposed the actions taken by Ronald Reagan that actually made Europe safer and eventually brought the Soviet Union down. Make America look like a jerk to appease the tyrant, because you know we won't abandon you.

Now, we have the thankless job of defeating terrorism and democratizing the Middle East. Fighting our enemies while many of our "allies" appease them every step of the way. We again play the responsible citizen of the world.

Revelations of a regime...

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently told the world that Russian intelligence had learned, after 9/11, that Saddam's regime was planning terrorist attacks on US interests, and indeed, on US soil. This the Russians shared with the US, but no one is listening. People have made up their minds that Bush lied, and they won't change them for any amount of truth. Then there's the small matter of the discovery of sarin nerve gas. What was the shocked response? "Where there's smoke, there's fire?" Yeah, right. "Wow, he really did have WMDs and we better find them before more get used on our boys?" Guess again. The response: yawn. That's right. Move along, nothing to see here.

What do you do when you find liters of one of the worst chemical weapons made in a nation whose government was just toppled after over a decade of lies and deceptions regarding their WMD programs and stockpiles? Why, you assume there's nothing else to find, of course! Is it reasonable to give Saddam the benefit of the doubt? Really?

David Kay found large amounts of chemical weapon precursors which the Saddam regime could only have put to ill purposes.

Then there were buried aircraft. Buried mobile chemical labs (remind me again, why does anyone need several mobile aspirin factories?). Buried (under a rose bush) nuclear weapon production parts. But, by all means, let us not assume that there might be buried WMD. Illegal missile engines were found among scrap sent to Jordan, but by all means, let us not assume WMD could have been shipped out of the country.

In fact, despite all of the evidence of the liar that is Saddam; the evil that is Saddam, let us assume the best of him. That's the prudent thing to do, isn't it? Hey, Bush lied.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Kim Sun Il...

As you probably know, Kim Sun Il was beheaded by terrorists today. He wasn't fighting for one side or the other. He was trying to help make Iraq a better place to live. No human being could hear his pleas to live, and still feel any malice towards him. But we are not at war with human beings. We are at war with monsters. These are the kind of monsters who beheaded Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, and Paul Johnson. The monsters who murdered dozens of Iraqis trying to join security forces, and children going to school. Over the next couple of weeks, we will likely see protests in South Korea over the planned deployment of Korean troops to Iraq; if men and women of good will can agree on anything, shouldn't it be that murderous monsters should be eradicated from the face of the planet? Rest in peace, Kim Sun Il. May there be swift justice for those who robbed you of your life.

Oh, but I am

Everyone considering seeing Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 should read this analysis: Unfairenheit 9/11

If you aren't considering seeing Fahrenheit 9/11, read the analysis anyway. Here's a little excerpt.

"To describe this film as dishonest and demagogic would almost be to promote those terms to the level of respectability. To describe this film as a piece of crap would be to run the risk of a discourse that would never again rise above the excremental. To describe it as an exercise in facile crowd-pleasing would be too obvious. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a sinister exercise in moral frivolity, crudely disguised as an exercise in seriousness. It is also a spectacle of abject political cowardice masking itself as a demonstration of "dissenting" bravery."

I give this analysis 5 Yaars