Monday, June 28, 2004

WSJ op-ed

The Wall Street Journal has an op-ed today criticizing our "allies" for not being allies. Click here to read (you may have to register). I would excerpt the good stuff, but the entire thing is a must-read. I will give the first and last paragraph:

What Alliance?
Our friends in NATO are failing the Iraq test.

Monday, June 28, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT

Webster's defines alliance as an "association to further the common interests of the members." The camaraderie on display at today's opening of the NATO summit in Istanbul notwithstanding, the past two years have seen little evidence that the organization still fits this definition.


Earlier this month, the U.S. and Europe commemorated the sacrifices of American soldiers on the Normandy beaches to liberate Europe from the Nazis in 1944. For the next 60 years, American taxpayers footed most of the bill to protect Europe, most recently deploying forces to stop the Balkan wars. Somehow Europeans appear to believe Americans will continue doing this indefinitely, regardless of European behavior and attitudes. They are badly mistaken.

Europe, are you reading the Journal?


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