Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Revelations of a regime...

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently told the world that Russian intelligence had learned, after 9/11, that Saddam's regime was planning terrorist attacks on US interests, and indeed, on US soil. This the Russians shared with the US, but no one is listening. People have made up their minds that Bush lied, and they won't change them for any amount of truth. Then there's the small matter of the discovery of sarin nerve gas. What was the shocked response? "Where there's smoke, there's fire?" Yeah, right. "Wow, he really did have WMDs and we better find them before more get used on our boys?" Guess again. The response: yawn. That's right. Move along, nothing to see here.

What do you do when you find liters of one of the worst chemical weapons made in a nation whose government was just toppled after over a decade of lies and deceptions regarding their WMD programs and stockpiles? Why, you assume there's nothing else to find, of course! Is it reasonable to give Saddam the benefit of the doubt? Really?

David Kay found large amounts of chemical weapon precursors which the Saddam regime could only have put to ill purposes.

Then there were buried aircraft. Buried mobile chemical labs (remind me again, why does anyone need several mobile aspirin factories?). Buried (under a rose bush) nuclear weapon production parts. But, by all means, let us not assume that there might be buried WMD. Illegal missile engines were found among scrap sent to Jordan, but by all means, let us not assume WMD could have been shipped out of the country.

In fact, despite all of the evidence of the liar that is Saddam; the evil that is Saddam, let us assume the best of him. That's the prudent thing to do, isn't it? Hey, Bush lied.


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