Saturday, June 26, 2004

More Iraqi WMD

From World Net Daily

"Duelfer [head of coalition inspection efforts] said his inspection team has uncovered bombs filled with blistering mustard gas or the nerve agent sarin.

"We're not sure how many more are out there that haven't been found, but we've found 10 or 12 sarin and mustard rounds," he said. "I'm reluctant to judge what that means at this point, but there's other aspects of the program which we still have to flush out."

In May, U.S. military officials found a bomb containing chemicals to form sarin gas and another with a mustard agent – weapons Saddam was required to destroy under U.S. sanctions and terms of the cease-fire from the 1990-91 Gulf war."

Get that? I don't give a damn how old these shells are, possessing them was a violation of every UN resolution regarding Iraq's WMDs!! Why the hell do the anti-war folks insist upon giving Saddam the benefit of the doubt?? Why do they hate Bush so much that they'll do anything, even to the detriment of the nation, to get at him? You don't have to support the war or Bush, but stop taking positions that hurt your nation.


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