Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Unrecognized debts

There are a lot of things that Americans provide for other nations that most citizens of those nations (and ours for that matter) don't realize and will likely never be grateful for. One of the more obvious examples would be prescription drugs. Americans pay ridiculous prices for their drugs, while they are provided for a fraction of the cost to other nations. If Americans paid the prices that other nations' citizens pay, there would be no incentive for researching and developing new drugs. In other words, we pay a higher price so they can pay a lower one. Don't expect a "thank you" for this one.

A less obvious example would be the security we've provided for appeasers. South Koreans are appeasers. Their policy toward North Korea has been one of appeasement, knowing as they do that America will provide for their protection. They even go so far as to openly disagree with us as we try to mount pressure on the North to disarm. This is like a woman slapping her protective brother to ingratiate herself with an abusive husband. Make America look like a jerk to appease the tyrant, because you know we won't abandon you. It should be said, though, that at least South Korea is going against type by sending troops to Iraq, despite the large-scale protestations by the Korean people. To appease the Soviets, most of Europe actively opposed the actions taken by Ronald Reagan that actually made Europe safer and eventually brought the Soviet Union down. Make America look like a jerk to appease the tyrant, because you know we won't abandon you.

Now, we have the thankless job of defeating terrorism and democratizing the Middle East. Fighting our enemies while many of our "allies" appease them every step of the way. We again play the responsible citizen of the world.


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