Sunday, June 27, 2004

Geneva conventions

It looks as though a US Marine is being held under threat of beheading now. These terrorists who are beheading people deserve to be the bottom row of a naked pyramid in Abu Ghraib. These people are not covered by the Geneva conventions, and these are probably mostly the types appearing in the pictures of Abu Ghraib. If this soldier were beheaded, and his captors were apprehended, and I were a prison guard, snarling dogs and panties on the head would be the last thing they'd have to worry about. Maybe if jerk-offs the world (and certain douche bag liberal senators from Taxachussetts) are going to go ahead and judge us as torturers on par with Saddam himself, we should at least do some torturing.

People whine constantly that the mistreatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib puts Americans in greater danger. I wish that the kind of things happening in Abu Ghraib were the worst that happened to Nick Berg and Paul Johnson (and Danny Pearl who was killed long before Abu Ghraib). If panties, pyramids, and dogs get us a shred of extra info, let's do it. We're at war.


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