Wednesday, June 30, 2004


All of the actions and rhetoric of the left (the attacks on Cheney over Haliburton, the documentaries, the lambasting of the President while he is overseas conducting the business of America, you get the picture) shows quite clearly that many on the left hate Bush more than they love America. The Democrats whine incessantly about attacks on their patriotism, yet they cannot cite the instances of those attacks. However, they (Al Gore, Teresa Heinz Kerry, and Wes Clark, to name a few) have launched plenty of attacks on the patriotism of members of the administration. This is, of course, an attempt to preempt Republican attacks on patently unpatriotic positions taken by Democrats. John Kerry's platform, as far as I can see, is "Vote for me 'cuz I hate Bush and you should, too." America isn't liberating Iraq out of hatred. We didn't liberate Afghanistan out of hatred. In fact, all of the hatred is coming from the left. Who can blame Dick Cheney when, after countless absurd attacks on him regarding Haliburton, he finally had had enough and told Pat Leahy what to do with himself. The left view their enemy as Bush, and the world's enemy as America. I don't have to call them unpatriotic. It is evident.


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