Friday, September 10, 2004

To what lengths...

Just how far will Democrats go to unseat Bush? Evidently they will go so far as to use forged documentation. The verdict is not yet in on these documents regarding Bush's Air National Guard service, but it doesn't look good for CBS. Does anyone really think these documents wouldn't have been more closely scrutinized if they worked against John Kerry? The Swiftvets get trashed by much of the media, without much bother to check the veracity of their reports, but when the media get documents that make Bush look bad they can't wait to get them on the air. Big oops on this one. The Democrats have put some stock in these documents. If they turn out to be a fraud then it could be bad for the donkeys. This is sad, and should serve as a warning to others who blindly hate Mr. Bush.

Even the wife and son of the man who supposedly wrote the documents has said they are fake. The wife says her husband liked Bush and thought he was a fine aviator. Nice one, guys.


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