Friday, November 05, 2004

Wanna know why we won?

Read this tripe. The message is another "you are dumb and ignorant if you voted for Bush, and they just scared you into doing so." I guess erroneously telling seniors they'd lose their social security under Bush (Kerry and Gore both tried this trick) isn't a scare tactic? Or how about ,"They'll draft you" (nevermind that a draft would have been more likely under Kerry)? Then, in the ultimate scare tactic, which has finally convinced me that Democrats are oh so much more intelligent than, and superior to, Bush voters, There's the "vote or die" campaign. In the end, the target audience of that campaign evidently chose to die.

The great hope of the Democrats was to tell young people who couldn't give a shit about the election or current affairs to go vote for Kerry so they won't get drafted. But, it was the Republicans that pandered to ignorance and fear.

Yes, Democrats bank on mob mentality. Get enough people in enough large population centers to bemoan the terrible state of our nation, and demonize "the man" and hope for a nice turnout. So much more intelligent than us Bush voters...


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