Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Canadian pol steps in it again

The dumb Canadian politician who got herself in trouble for her comments about Americans saying she hated "those bastards" is at it again.

Here's a small snippet:

Canadian Member of Parliament Carolyn Parrish had said she hated "damned Americans" and called them bastards in the run-up to the Iraq war. She found a new moniker, idiots, on Wednesday in discussing the planned U.S. missile defense system.

"We are not joining the coalition of the idiots. We are joining the coalition of the wise," the Liberal legislator told a small group of demonstrators...

"The world respects Canada. If we were to join this then it will be giving credibility to what they're doing," she said.

After her pathetic rant she begged reporters not to use it:

"Please guys don't put that on tape," she said. "I already got into trouble once.... Really, please, I've had enough trouble."

The tyrants in Iran and North Korea don't hate us because we are killing Iraqis, they hate us because we are freeing them, and they fear we'll bring freedom to their own people as well. That is why we need NMD. Hippy Canadian politicians won't be able to understand that. To me it boils down to this: In the entire history of the world, how many people and nations can Canada say they played a pivotal role in freeing, and how does that compare to us "bastards" and "idiots" in America? Who should be ashamed, and who is the idiot now?


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