Friday, April 01, 2005

Liberal terrorists

Liberals can't be trusted for anything, except being douche bags. They always come through on that one. Conservative Pat Buchanan is the latest in a growing list of conservatives to be attacked for expressing his views at a forum in which he was invited to do so. He had salad dressing poured on him. This follows Bill Krystol being attacked by a pie wielding delinquent while speaking (the pie also hit the President of the university, which will probably get this genius expelled), which follows Ann Coulter being attacked by a pie wielding delinquent who "throws like a girl" according to Miss Coulter (he's lucky he didn't get bitch-slapped by Ann). A Democrat throwing like a girl is nothing to be surprised about, women and men of the liberal persuasion are becoming nearly indistinguishable. Even if you check hormone levels, I suspect the men have the greater amount of estrogen and the women the greater of testosterone. And even the few Democrats who aren't gay are "metrosexual" which means they're gay, but still want to be electable. They are no Curt Shilling, who throws like a man, and is, naturally, a Republican...but I digress...

These attacks follow the recent election in which Democrats shot and ransacked various Republican Party HQs around the country. Democrats have become much like the terrorists in that no matter how much they violently attack those who disagree with their views, they are still losers getting their asses kicked again and again and again by manly Americans. As with the terrorists, look for the attacks to increase as they get their asses kicked worse and worse...


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