Sunday, February 06, 2005

Don't let the door hit you...ass

Some douche bags who "love America" still want to leave after the reelection of President Bush.

"I love the United States," he said as he stood on the Vancouver waterfront, staring toward the Coastal Range, which was lost in a gray shroud. "I fought for it in Vietnam. It's a wrenching decision to think about leaving. But America is turning into a country very different from the one I grew up believing in."

Well, yeah, if he grew up in the Vietnam era, where Americans loathed themselves. The America where men like this guy were spat upon for their Vietnam service, then yeah, it isn't the same America. Well, not in the red states, anyhow.

I have to respect anyone who served honorably in Vietnam for that service. However, America is fine, rights aren't being trampled on and stripped away, and hyperbole rules the left. I'm trying right now to think of one right that I had ten or twenty years ago but have lost. Nothing is coming to mind.

I won't apologize for supporting the removal of mass-murdering dictators (whatever the excuse for doing so). I won't apologize for thinking that I should be allowed to own a gun. For thinking that people should work for a living, and that someone who works hard should be able to have something more to show for it than the guy who sits on his ass all day. I won't apologize for believing in the value of innocent human life, even when we can't be certain whether or not it is a human life or simple fetal tissue. I not sorry for thinking traditional family is important, and the erosion of traditional families has damaged our nation. Or believing that drug use is a cancer on society. Or thinking that people should take greater responsibility for themselves, and rely less upon the government. Or that the hullabaloo over losing our rights is just a bunch of immature and ill-informed nonsense. Or for thinking our borders should be protected by whatever means necessary. And I won't miss anyone who feels that these are the wrong ideals and moves to Canada.

"The number of U.S. citizens who are actually submitting Canadian immigration papers and making concrete plans is about three or four times higher than normal," said Linda Mark, an immigration lawyer in Vancouver.

Ah, socialism, drugs, moral relativity. Never truly making a difference in the world. Never really mattering to anyone. Enjoy your stay in Canada.


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