Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Terri Shiavo

I don't have a living will, but for the record I'd like to say that if I have lost all cognitive function in my brain, I really don't think I'll give a crap what happens to my body. I hear people say, "Let that poor woman die," in reference to Terri Shiavo. If I'm not consciously aware of my surroundings then I am dead, and there is no need to pity my body. If I am consciously aware, then I guess I'm not in a persistent vegetative state.

What I am saying is it seems to me that either the lights are on, and she should be given a chance to recover, or the lights are off and it doesn't matter either way. Therefore, if there is a dispute I would think the tilt should be toward keeping her alive just in case.

And for the love of god don't starve her to death. How nuts is that? We punish people for treating animals that way. If the same people who want to save every child-murdering death row inmate from getting the needle want to decide this woman's life isn't worth living, and indeed should not be lived, at least end it as humanely as the death row inmates they so wish to save. Imagine the outrage if we just stopped feeding death row inmates until they starved.


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