Wednesday, February 16, 2005

We're all gonna die!

Drudge linked to these BBC images showing some changes in areas of the planet. I'm just shocked because I thought the planet stayed the same from day 1. I suppose if you showed pictures from 100 million years ago they'd look the same as right up to the time man came in and wrecked the world, eh?

It is one thing to say the world is getting warmer, it is quite another to say it is man's doing. The earth changes, and it isn't a news flash. I want a clean environment. I want wasteful and dangerous corporate abuses of the environment stopped, because I want clean air and water. But pardon me if I don't push the panic button when the earth warms a little.

The mere fact that the planet undergoes ice ages and thaws should clue you in to the fact that the world changes on its own. Envirofascists are a greater danger than anyone. For example, the fight against logging in America is absurd. The logging industry stands to lose the most if we run out of trees, and we are in no danger of that. Trees are in fact replanted after logging occurs, and it helps to clear dangerous underbrush (dangerous because it can accelerate forest fires).

People panic about the rainforests being cut down, perhaps rightfully so, but let's be honest. The rainforest isn't being cut down so greedy corporations can make paper. It is to make room for homes and farm land for poor people. Cutting down the rainforests may be bad, but it isn't evil.

My point is that most environmentalists aren't bad people (though I'd like to beat the hell out of the SUV-burning dumbasses), but instead of generating panic about problems, let's hear real solutions that allow every side to win. Let's let all of the info come in before we claim that man is destroying the world.

We need wood - I'm not going to live in a cave or tent like some tree-hugging idiot - and we need crops and livestock as I refuse to live on twigs and berries. We need vehicles to get around because I'm not riding a bike all over the damn place. So take that protest energy and money and start putting it to work. Don't demand that we give up the things that give us pleasure in life, find ways to make those things more eco-friendly. Sure, government could take a hand in this, but environmentalists should put their money where their mouth is.


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