Sunday, February 06, 2005

You mean breathing in smoke isn't good for you?

The courts have blocked Big Government from robbing Big Tobacco. The government had wanted to steal $280 billion because the tobacco industry hadn't done enough to warn people of the harmful effects of inhaling smoke into your lungs, for manipulating levels of nicotine, and marketing to kids.

First, I have to express my unease any time the government feels they should get money from a corporation for wrongs committed against private citizens.

Beyond that, you are an idiot if you didn't know that inhaling smoke is harmful. Humans have known for centuries that it is harmful to inhale smoke into your lungs. That is one reason why people don't run up to burning buildings and breath deeply. Why don't we add another $50 billion since we weren't warned that touching the lit end of the cigarette could cause burns. For that matter, I don't remember a warning from the tobacco industry that buying a lot of cigarettes could cause you to have less money.

As to manipulating nicotine levels, well I don't really care. Is nicotine illegal? Obviously not (if you are 18 or over, anyway...but more on that in a bit). If the government is going to make nicotine illegal, then they can go after cigarette companies for manipulating levels. Otherwise they should leave the cigarette makers alone.

The product being illegal for them to purchase or use, marketing to kids is unacceptable. The government should fine/prosecute for that, but punitive damages should be sought by victims and their families.


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