Friday, December 10, 2004

Going Canadian = going douche bag?

"Don't hate us, we're useless douches who depend on America for everything, too!" That is the message some Americans are sending to Europe by dressing as Canadians as they travel abroad. According to this insightful article by Herman Goodden, some Canadians are flattered by this as a result of their insecurity, and others are annoyed in their smugness.

A company in New Mexico makes a kit complete with a shirt and luggage stickers and other items indicative of Canadian origin. According to the article, possibly 70% of the purchases are made by Republicans to give to their less-patriotic counterparts of Democratic persuasion, and the rest are purchased directly by the less-patriotic types who are about to be traveling overseas.

Were I to travel to Europe, I'd be more inclined to wear a backpack with two poles rising from it supporting an American flag between them, and with flags proudly displaying the middle finger off to either side. Depending, of course, on which country I am visiting.

The article suggests that Canada stands for nothing, but I think those who have worked so hard to achieve lax drug laws, piss-poor national health care, and pathetic immigration laws and enforcement (and that's saying something coming from an American) would be insulted by the suggestion that Canada stands for nothing. Add to that Canada's complete dependency on America for...well everything, and you can see how it would be so hard not to be proud to be Canadian.

Bottom line is that Canada is a trivial nation. To quote the song "Blame Canada" from the South Park movie, "they're not even a real country, anyway."


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