Monday, December 13, 2004

Recommended reading

I would whole-heartedly recommend that everyone read this article from by a liberal who is giving "the view from the left." Deserters Are Heroes. After reading, I would invite those who agree with the author to buy a "go Canada" travel kit and get the hell out of America.

I know, liberals would argue that people who disagree with the author should be the ones to leave. I just figure that since the author and his supporters favor desertion, they could just desert their way to Canada or Europe. I would prefer they go to Europe to make it harder for them to cross back to the US when they need jobs and realize socialism is not job-creation friendly.

I won't go into the absurdities of the numerous cliches in the article, but I would just like to point out that "Red America" honors our brave fighting men and women, and "Blue America" honors the deserters. I wouldn't blame liberals for being so sensitive to any notion that they love their country less than conservatives do if only they'd put out just a little effort to make those notions appear a little less obviously accurate.


I meant to spend more time on this before, but better late than never.

"You know what? Just let me make one point. You were talking about the map before. If indeed all those blue states all got together and seceded from the union, think what would be left for those red states, nothing. There would be no educational system. You would have nothing. What would be left to you? I mean, where is all of this talent in this country? It's on both sides, the Northeast corridor."

This bit of brilliance from Geraldine Ferraro (former Dem. VP candidate) on Hannity and Colmes early last month. I'm sure she was referring to a state-by-state map of the election outcome, rather than this county-by-county map:

All the talent, eh? Tell ya what, Gerry. I'll take the conservative farmers, soldiers and business men, and keep the red counties, and you take all of the "talent", presumably actors and singers (we won't have to do without them for long... where will they be without a broad audience?) and the blue counties and we'll see who comes out on top. As for education, well they've done a bang-up job with primary ed., haven't they? Education suffers when the government (and I'm talking Democrat, here) pays more attention to the wants of teachers unions than to the needs of students. The Democrat solution to education problems? Throw money at it (Washington DC schools are among the highest-funded, and lowest-performing schools in the nation). As for our universities, it is true that liberals are teaching while conservatives are doing. But I'd love to see more conservative professors.

Only a liberal would think that education cannot exist without union-pandering, big-government beneficence, but I think I'd take my chances without your educational system, Geraldine.


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