Saturday, February 05, 2005

Logic left this party long ago...

Okay, let me see if I have this straight. A few decades from now, Social Security will pay out only three quarters (to the dollar) of what is promised, and the Democrats think...what? That it is better to wait until we are in full crisis mode to fix it, rather than deal with it now? I can only speak for myself when I say I'd prefer a private account earning me more than I'd ever get with government control than receive 75 cents for every dollar I'm supposed to receive.

Of course, Democrats throw out the inanities like "look at the economy a few years back. If you had invested it then you'd have lost a lot." They may be right about that, but only an idiot would put a healthy chunk of their retirement into the stock market for only a couple of years. What we are talking about is investing for decades. I'd love to see what would have come of my parents' Social Security if it had been invested starting 40 years ago. I'd bet money they'd be looking forward to a better retirement. And beside all of this is the fact that people would likely be able to opt out of the private account system for the good old SS system should they choose to do so.

The Democrats are getting into the bad habit of kicking the can down the road. In fact, I believe that is the single best way to describe both terms of the Clinton Presidency. North Korea, kicked down the road. China, kicked down the road. Iraq, Iran, terrorism...all kicked on down the road. That being said, even President Clinton understood the need to fix Social Security. On July 27 of 1998 he said:

The stakes couldn't be higher. For 60 years, Social Security has reflected our deepest values -- the duties we owe to our parents, to each other and to our children. Today, 44 million Americans depend upon Social Security. For two-thirds of our seniors it is the main source of income. And nearly one in three beneficiaries are not retirees, for Social Security is also a life insurance policy and a disability policy, along with being a rock-solid guarantee of support in old age.

Today, Social Security is sound, but a demographic crisis is looming. By 2030, there will be twice as many elderly as there are today, with only two people working for every person drawing Social Security. After 2032, contributions from payroll taxes will only cover 75 cents on the dollar of current benefits. So we must act, and act now, to save Social Security.

As with Iraq, Democrats would rather we wait until the crisis is at hand to deal with the problems. I don't say this to lecture the American people on why they shouldn't elect Democrats, the last 3 elections have shown that Americans figured this out just fine on their own. I only wish to say to the Democrats, "Keep up the bad work," and I'll just keep on enjoying the Republican election victories.

Scorched earth is no policy for a political party in a representative democracy (yes, folks, our republic is a democracy despite the claims of not-so-clever people to the contrary), but that seems to be the Democratic response to losing the elections. They are sad people.


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