Tuesday, February 22, 2005

We're arrogant and smug

Must be a great time to be European. Oh, to be able to look back and tell your grandkids about how you tried to stop America from spreading democracy to the Middle East. Tried your best to keep Saddam Hussein in power, and when America removed him anyway you stood up to us and made pictures of our President to put in your urinals. What brave people furthering the great causes of humanity. No doubt the urinal picture makers will one day be known in Europe as "the greatest generation" for their contributions to a better world.

Meanwhile, Australia is sending hundreds more troops to safeguard Japanese humanitarian workers all in the name of improving life for Iraqis. Thanks for all you do, Australia and Japan.

Monday, February 21, 2005

European greed

Where are the protests in the streets of Europe over the impending lifting of the arms embargo of China. This is all about greed and putting a thumb to the eye of America. Europe sees an opportunity to make a few bucks off of China, and if some Americans and Taiwanese are put in danger as a result so much the better.

In China, we are talking about a nation with expansionist designs who executes its own people for stealing gasoline! They are a threat to their neighbors, and to regional stability, and now Europe is anxious to go dump a little gasoline onto that fire.

Europe is increasingly willing to make deals with the devil to counter America and make a quick buck. Deals that they - and we - will regret for decades. How do I know? Because we've all been doing it for a long time and regretting it for just as long. American arms deals with non-democracies in the Arab world for example now come with a clear call for democratic reform. A call that due to recent events in the world (events opposed by Europe) now has more resonance and credibility.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

We're all gonna die!

Drudge linked to these BBC images showing some changes in areas of the planet. I'm just shocked because I thought the planet stayed the same from day 1. I suppose if you showed pictures from 100 million years ago they'd look the same as right up to the time man came in and wrecked the world, eh?

It is one thing to say the world is getting warmer, it is quite another to say it is man's doing. The earth changes, and it isn't a news flash. I want a clean environment. I want wasteful and dangerous corporate abuses of the environment stopped, because I want clean air and water. But pardon me if I don't push the panic button when the earth warms a little.

The mere fact that the planet undergoes ice ages and thaws should clue you in to the fact that the world changes on its own. Envirofascists are a greater danger than anyone. For example, the fight against logging in America is absurd. The logging industry stands to lose the most if we run out of trees, and we are in no danger of that. Trees are in fact replanted after logging occurs, and it helps to clear dangerous underbrush (dangerous because it can accelerate forest fires).

People panic about the rainforests being cut down, perhaps rightfully so, but let's be honest. The rainforest isn't being cut down so greedy corporations can make paper. It is to make room for homes and farm land for poor people. Cutting down the rainforests may be bad, but it isn't evil.

My point is that most environmentalists aren't bad people (though I'd like to beat the hell out of the SUV-burning dumbasses), but instead of generating panic about problems, let's hear real solutions that allow every side to win. Let's let all of the info come in before we claim that man is destroying the world.

We need wood - I'm not going to live in a cave or tent like some tree-hugging idiot - and we need crops and livestock as I refuse to live on twigs and berries. We need vehicles to get around because I'm not riding a bike all over the damn place. So take that protest energy and money and start putting it to work. Don't demand that we give up the things that give us pleasure in life, find ways to make those things more eco-friendly. Sure, government could take a hand in this, but environmentalists should put their money where their mouth is.

Monday, February 14, 2005


Last night I spoke to my step brother, Daniel, and it turns out that he is being deployed to Iraq within the coming days. Godspeed and be safe.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Telling it like it is?

This from The Toronto Star regarding Dr. Rice's recent trip to Europe:

But the "steely" Rice made a reappearance when she addressed the question of Iran, its human rights record, its pursuit of nuclear weapons and the nature of American pressure on the Tehran regime.

She surprised some French intellectuals by describing the Islamic republic as a "totalitarian." state and sent some chills through European capitals by referring to its human rights record as "abysmal ... something to be loathed."

Oh, yes. How shocking and chilling to say that Iran's government is totalitarian and that their human rights record is abysmal. I mean, it ain't like there are a bunch of hard-line mullahs calling the shots, and it ain't like they sponsor terrorism, punish those who dare to speak against Islam, and advocate the destruction of Israel or anything.

Okay, it has been FAR TOO LONG since Europe had their asses kicked by someone.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Skank lawyer guilty of aiding terrorists

I knew that we lost freedoms under George Bush. I mean, everyone keeps saying we have and now I know what they mean. Lynne Stewart, lawyer for the man behind the first Trade Center bombing, was found guilty of helping him keep his terror machine oiled. Sheesh, what's the nation coming to when a lawyer can't help her terrorist client maintain his terrorist ties? Damn you, John Ashcroft! Next thing you know they are going to try to stop illegal immigration...well let's not get carried away. Upon hearing the verdict, one supporter of Ms. Stewart, attorney Matthew Strugar, immediately said he was leaving the country. Need help packing, fella?

I can't tell you how many hearts break at the thought of one lawyer going to jail, and another leaving the country. Our lives are all lessened for the losses. If we keep losing lawyers, how will fat people sue McDonalds?

"What a mess," a lawyer with the Legal Aid Society, Michael Letwin, said. "This is a chilling blow to public dissent, public dissent against the government, and the attorney-client privilege."

Ah, now I get it. Helping a terrorist maintain his terrorist links was really just a form of dissent against the government. Bin Laden isn't evil, just misunderstood. His actions were mere dissent against the US government. Well there's another right trampled by the Bush Administration. And if the Bushies are treating treason against America as a bad thing, no wonder Democrats get so upset.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Don't let the door hit you...ass

Some douche bags who "love America" still want to leave after the reelection of President Bush.

"I love the United States," he said as he stood on the Vancouver waterfront, staring toward the Coastal Range, which was lost in a gray shroud. "I fought for it in Vietnam. It's a wrenching decision to think about leaving. But America is turning into a country very different from the one I grew up believing in."

Well, yeah, if he grew up in the Vietnam era, where Americans loathed themselves. The America where men like this guy were spat upon for their Vietnam service, then yeah, it isn't the same America. Well, not in the red states, anyhow.

I have to respect anyone who served honorably in Vietnam for that service. However, America is fine, rights aren't being trampled on and stripped away, and hyperbole rules the left. I'm trying right now to think of one right that I had ten or twenty years ago but have lost. Nothing is coming to mind.

I won't apologize for supporting the removal of mass-murdering dictators (whatever the excuse for doing so). I won't apologize for thinking that I should be allowed to own a gun. For thinking that people should work for a living, and that someone who works hard should be able to have something more to show for it than the guy who sits on his ass all day. I won't apologize for believing in the value of innocent human life, even when we can't be certain whether or not it is a human life or simple fetal tissue. I not sorry for thinking traditional family is important, and the erosion of traditional families has damaged our nation. Or believing that drug use is a cancer on society. Or thinking that people should take greater responsibility for themselves, and rely less upon the government. Or that the hullabaloo over losing our rights is just a bunch of immature and ill-informed nonsense. Or for thinking our borders should be protected by whatever means necessary. And I won't miss anyone who feels that these are the wrong ideals and moves to Canada.

"The number of U.S. citizens who are actually submitting Canadian immigration papers and making concrete plans is about three or four times higher than normal," said Linda Mark, an immigration lawyer in Vancouver.

Ah, socialism, drugs, moral relativity. Never truly making a difference in the world. Never really mattering to anyone. Enjoy your stay in Canada.

You mean breathing in smoke isn't good for you?

The courts have blocked Big Government from robbing Big Tobacco. The government had wanted to steal $280 billion because the tobacco industry hadn't done enough to warn people of the harmful effects of inhaling smoke into your lungs, for manipulating levels of nicotine, and marketing to kids.

First, I have to express my unease any time the government feels they should get money from a corporation for wrongs committed against private citizens.

Beyond that, you are an idiot if you didn't know that inhaling smoke is harmful. Humans have known for centuries that it is harmful to inhale smoke into your lungs. That is one reason why people don't run up to burning buildings and breath deeply. Why don't we add another $50 billion since we weren't warned that touching the lit end of the cigarette could cause burns. For that matter, I don't remember a warning from the tobacco industry that buying a lot of cigarettes could cause you to have less money.

As to manipulating nicotine levels, well I don't really care. Is nicotine illegal? Obviously not (if you are 18 or over, anyway...but more on that in a bit). If the government is going to make nicotine illegal, then they can go after cigarette companies for manipulating levels. Otherwise they should leave the cigarette makers alone.

The product being illegal for them to purchase or use, marketing to kids is unacceptable. The government should fine/prosecute for that, but punitive damages should be sought by victims and their families.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Logic left this party long ago...

Okay, let me see if I have this straight. A few decades from now, Social Security will pay out only three quarters (to the dollar) of what is promised, and the Democrats think...what? That it is better to wait until we are in full crisis mode to fix it, rather than deal with it now? I can only speak for myself when I say I'd prefer a private account earning me more than I'd ever get with government control than receive 75 cents for every dollar I'm supposed to receive.

Of course, Democrats throw out the inanities like "look at the economy a few years back. If you had invested it then you'd have lost a lot." They may be right about that, but only an idiot would put a healthy chunk of their retirement into the stock market for only a couple of years. What we are talking about is investing for decades. I'd love to see what would have come of my parents' Social Security if it had been invested starting 40 years ago. I'd bet money they'd be looking forward to a better retirement. And beside all of this is the fact that people would likely be able to opt out of the private account system for the good old SS system should they choose to do so.

The Democrats are getting into the bad habit of kicking the can down the road. In fact, I believe that is the single best way to describe both terms of the Clinton Presidency. North Korea, kicked down the road. China, kicked down the road. Iraq, Iran, terrorism...all kicked on down the road. That being said, even President Clinton understood the need to fix Social Security. On July 27 of 1998 he said:

The stakes couldn't be higher. For 60 years, Social Security has reflected our deepest values -- the duties we owe to our parents, to each other and to our children. Today, 44 million Americans depend upon Social Security. For two-thirds of our seniors it is the main source of income. And nearly one in three beneficiaries are not retirees, for Social Security is also a life insurance policy and a disability policy, along with being a rock-solid guarantee of support in old age.

Today, Social Security is sound, but a demographic crisis is looming. By 2030, there will be twice as many elderly as there are today, with only two people working for every person drawing Social Security. After 2032, contributions from payroll taxes will only cover 75 cents on the dollar of current benefits. So we must act, and act now, to save Social Security.

As with Iraq, Democrats would rather we wait until the crisis is at hand to deal with the problems. I don't say this to lecture the American people on why they shouldn't elect Democrats, the last 3 elections have shown that Americans figured this out just fine on their own. I only wish to say to the Democrats, "Keep up the bad work," and I'll just keep on enjoying the Republican election victories.

Scorched earth is no policy for a political party in a representative democracy (yes, folks, our republic is a democracy despite the claims of not-so-clever people to the contrary), but that seems to be the Democratic response to losing the elections. They are sad people.