Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Chirac mocks Britain for backing US

Chirac told Blair that backing the US in Iraq has won them nothing. As if the point to standing next to your friends is winning something from them. Gaining some kind of concession. That's really how the French view everything. They are quasi-terrorist supporters because they think they can gain better oil deals, and safety. When some French people (I almost said Frenchmen before I realized the word itself is an oxy-moron) were captured in Iraq, there was no shortage of terrorists going to bat for the French government.

To call people like Chirac weasels is to insult weasels. Rumor has it that when the craven Prime Minister of Spain called Bush to congratulate him on re-election, Bush wouldn't take his call. I think it is time to shun Chirac the same way we shunned other terrorist cowards like Yasser Arafat.

Perhaps he didn't learn the first time, but Blair is now getting another healthy dose of French perfidy and intransigence. YOU CAN'T TRUST THE FRENCH!! It isn't that hard to figure out, so stop trying to make friends and play nice. Instead we should do all in our power to isolate them. They are culturally, economically, and militarily insignificant.

For that reason, part of the UN reforms should be the denial of a veto to the French.


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