Friday, September 24, 2004

Told ya so

Democrats are doing their dead-level best to undermine our national security. I've heard some of the fools say we should have gone after North Korea instead of Iraq, etc. Well here is why we didn't go after North Korea (as I've mentioned before), and it also serves as precisely why Saddam had to be removed whether he had stockpiles of WMD or not, so long as he sought WMDs. The headline tells all:

Attack us, we nuke Japan: N Korea to US

Just imagine, after the sanctions were lifted on Iraq for few years, the headline:

Attack us, we nuke Israel: Iraq to US

So, to the Democrats, I ask: please stay out of the way of the adults while they try to do what is best for America.

P.S. stop trying to put an end to the missile defense system for god's sake! Japan may thank you for it one day.


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