Saturday, September 11, 2004

They needn't have died for nothing...remember those scarred by 9/11

Our thoughts today are with the victims of the September 11, 2001 tragedy, and their loved ones still mourning. We must remember that beyond the innate good of overthrowing oppressive regimes is that dark day of evil. Nineteen evil men killed 3000 Americans, and for what? Supporting Israel's right to exist? Having non-muslims in Saudi Arabia? Women who don't cover their heads like a good slave? This is why we must overthrow the tyrants in the Middle East. Establishing a Democracy for people of good will is the first step. With luck, Iraq can be stablized and allowed to prosper, and the shockwaves of peace and tolerance and democracy could spread throughout the region. If this happens, then the 3000 who died on 9/11 will not have died for nothing.


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