Friday, September 17, 2004

Are members of the CBS News staff stupid, or just blindly biased?

The Houston Chronicle has an article about the man, Bill Burkett, considered a possible source of the Bush TexANG documents. They describe a man with an axe to grind. A man who has made false allegations against Bush and the TexANG before and has had to retract them. A man who:

In earlier interviews, he described years of fruitless searching [for documents against Bush].

One month ago, in an essay posted on a progressive Web site, Burkett theorized that Killian would have been a likely person to know more about Bush's service. But, he conceded, "I have found no documentation from LTC Killian's hand or staff that indicate that this unit was involved in any complicit way to ... cover for the failures of 1Lt. Bush ... " Burkett went on to say, "On the contrary, LTC Killian's remarks are rare."

For its part, CBS is still trying to get the President to answer allegations in the fake documents. This is getting pretty sad. Seriously I'm starting to feel sorry for CBS. They're the prisoner who maintains his innocence even when they're caught on tape. The man caught cheating on his wife who says, "It's not what you think!" And if Burkett really is the source, it would show gross negligence on the part of CBS for going forward. This is truly "Jayson Blair" journalism at its finest.


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