Tuesday, September 14, 2004

They were fake

Little doubt is left that Document Dan Rather had some fakies. Questions are not just being raised by "partisan political operatives" as Rather has suggested. Here is a decidedly non-conservative source calling the documents into doubt. The linked article has a laundry list of evidence that these documents are fakes, and Rather is an idiot. Looks very much like someone tried to pass off forgeries to swing the election and Danny boy and CBS fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Rather and CBS seem to be trying to validate them by proving that back in the 70s, if Jupiter aligned with Mars just right on a summer solstice with a steady wind and the right ambient temperature at sea level, maybe they could have possibly had written these documents. Come on, guys, that's silly. Too many people have called the docs into question for too many reasons.

Cambodia Kerry, on the other hand, has been forced into some retractions by his critics. Let's talk about that some more Dan.


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