Saturday, August 21, 2004

Kerry's whine

If Democrats are so angry about the Swift Boat Veterans group running their ads, they should join President Bush in calling for all of these groups to stop running ads. They won't do that because they want their virtually traitorous buddies to keep up the attacks on Bush. The Republicans tried to stop the 527s to begin with as they were initially just a Democrat tool to bypass campaign finance laws (Republicans get more money from individual donors than Democrats do).

Kerry filed an FEC complaint saying that the ads are coordinated with the Bush campaign. If Kerry loses he should pay a fine for his frivolity. When you can't argue your point, or explain your behavior, play the victim. That's a lesson from Master Clinton (so I lied under oath...the Republicans are mean!). That being said, any vets who weren't in a position to know what happened in the disputed instances should shut up. No one should question Kerry's medals based on his despicable activities after he returned home. His character, sure. He's a deluxe asshole if for no other reason (though there are plenty of others) than that. That's a given.


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