Monday, August 15, 2005

Go home glory hound

Just a few quick points...

Cindy Sheehan co-founded Gold Star Families for Peace. I just want to make clear my belief that our choice isn't between staying in Iraq and having war, or leaving Iraq and having peace. Gold Star Families for Peace should be called Gold Star Families for Surrender and Further Terrorist Attacks on US Soil. That would be a more accurate name. But then it wouldn't be a liberal feel-good name.

Pulling out will not bring peace to the US or Iraq. In fact, it could quite possibly open the door to an Iranian invasion of Iraq, but anti-war people can't see past their own ignorance. US and Iraqi intelligence are finding more and more links between insurgent elements and Iran. If we left without a strong, functional Iraqi army, the resulting mess could be far worse than anything we've seen.

Cindy Sheehan had her meeting with President Bush. She wasn't entitled to it, but she got one anyway. She certainly has no right to another meeting, especially since she's already made up her mind. I feel for her dead son. I also feel for much of the rest of poor Casey's family as his mother has torn them apart in the name of her own politics.


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