Sunday, June 26, 2005

China and Europe

"Let's all wake up. The post-Cold War peace is over. We are now in an arms race with a new superpower whose goal is to contain and overtake the United States."

This quote is from an article in The Washington Times. It refers to China. I'm afraid the realization of all of this will come too late. And Europe wants to sell China weapons!

These plans were briefly and embarrassingly put on hold after Chinese saber rattling, but give it a few more months to breathe and Europe will be back to wanting to sell China advanced weapons.

If I'm not mistaken, it is common practice to destroy the factories that produce the weapons of one's enemies in a time of war. If we end up at war with China in the future, then that could include bombing France. As if we needed any more reason.

But then, Europeans have a more favorable view of China than America right now. Why? Because we removed a thug from power and installed a democracy in his place. And we call them our allies.

Are we the only adults left?


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