Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My god

Another judge has taken it upon himself to prevent the free exercise of religion (and patriotism...yes, liberals, I question yours...every day). Somehow taking away the right to voluntarily (no one was forced) to recite the pledge of allegiance upholds the first amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

I can tell you how this judged screwed the pooch, can anyone tell me how voluntary recitation of the pledge equals a congressional establishment of religion? How the voluntary recitation of the pledge prohibits the free exercise of religion?

I know, logic has no place in liberalism, but taking away the right to recite the pledge is abridging the right to freely exercise religion. The religion clause of the first amendment has been perverted by the courts at all levels. I urge every patriotic American to instruct their children to recite the pledge loudly at school every day.


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